class(model_class) function, pointer | model::model_construct (ne_type, sxrem_type, te_type, ti_type, ne_unit, ne_min, te_min, ti_min, sxrem_min, pressure_fraction, emission, equilibrium, sxrem_te, sxrem_ratio, resonace_range, coosig_wgts, state_flags, signal_factor, signal_offset, int_params) |
| Construct a model_class containing an equilibrium object.
subroutine | model::model_destruct (this) |
| Deconstruct a model_class object.
subroutine | model::model_set_param (this, id, i_index, j_index, value, eq_comm) |
| Sets the value of a reconstruction model parameter.
subroutine | model::model_set_grid_params (this, size) |
| Sets grid parameters.
subroutine | model::model_set_grid_profiles (this) |
| Sets grid profile values.
integer function | model::model_get_param_id (this, param_name) |
| Get the id for a parameter.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_param_value (this, id, i_index, j_index) |
| Gets the value of a model parameter.
character(len=data_name_length) function | model::model_get_param_name (this, id) |
| Gets the name of a model parameter.
integer function | model::model_get_gp_ne_num_hyper_param (this) |
| Get the number of electron density gp kernel hyper parameters.
real(rprec) function, dimension(:), pointer | model::model_get_ne_af (this) |
| Gets the electron density profile af array.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_gp_ne_ij (this, i, j) |
| Get the electron density gp kernel value for the two indicies.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_gp_ne_pi (this, x_cart, i) |
| Get the electron density gp kernel value for the position and index.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_gp_ne_pp (this, x_cart, y_cart) |
| Get the electron density gp kernel value for the position and position.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_ne_cart (this, x_cart) |
| Gets the electron density at a cartesian position.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_ne_radial (this, s) |
| Gets the electron density at a radial position.
integer function | model::model_get_gp_te_num_hyper_param (this) |
| Get the number of electron temperature gp kernel hyper parameters.
real(rprec) function, dimension(:), pointer | model::model_get_te_af (this) |
| Gets the electron temperature profile af array.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_gp_te_ij (this, i, j) |
| Get the electron temperature gp kernel value for the two indicies.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_gp_te_pi (this, x_cart, i) |
| Get the electron temperature gp kernel value for the position and index.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_gp_te_pp (this, x_cart, y_cart) |
| Get the electron temperature gp kernel value for the position and position.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_te_cart (this, x_cart) |
| Gets the electron temperature at a cartesian position.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_te_radial (this, s) |
| Gets the electron temperature at a radial position.
integer function | model::model_get_gp_ti_num_hyper_param (this) |
| Get the number of ion temperature gp kernel hyper parameters.
real(rprec) function, dimension(:), pointer | model::model_get_ti_af (this) |
| Gets the ion temperature profile af array.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_gp_ti_ij (this, i, j) |
| Get the ion temperature gp kernel value for the two indicies.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_gp_ti_pi (this, x_cart, i) |
| Get the ion temperature gp kernel value for the position and index.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_gp_ti_pp (this, x_cart, y_cart) |
| Get the electron temperature gp kernel value for the position and position.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_ti_cart (this, x_cart) |
| Gets the ion temperature at a cartesian position.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_ti_radial (this, s) |
| Gets the ion temperature at a radial position.
integer function | model::model_get_gp_sxrem_num_hyper_param (this, index) |
| Get the number of soft x-ray emission gp kernel hyper parameters.
real(rprec) function, dimension(:), pointer | model::model_get_sxrem_af (this, index) |
| Gets the soft x-ray emissivity profile af array.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_gp_sxrem_ij (this, i, j, index) |
| Get the soft x-ray emissivity gp kernel value for the two indicies.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_gp_sxrem_pi (this, x_cart, i, index) |
| Get the soft x-ray emissivity gp kernel value for the position and index.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_gp_sxrem_pp (this, x_cart, y_cart, index) |
| Get the soft x-ray emissivity gp kernel value for the position and position.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_sxrem_cart (this, x_cart, index) |
| Gets the soft x-ray emissivity at a cartesian position.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_sxrem_radial (this, s, index) |
| Gets the soft x-ray emissivity at a radial position.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_sxrem_ratio (this, te) |
| Gets the soft x-ray emissivity ratio.
character(len=data_name_length) function | model::model_get_ne_type (this) |
| Gets the electron density type as a string.
character(len=data_name_length) function | model::model_get_te_type (this) |
| Gets the electron temperature type as a string.
character(len=data_name_length) function | model::model_get_ti_type (this) |
| Gets the ion temperature type as a string.
character(len=data_name_length) function | model::model_get_sxrem_type (this, index) |
| Gets the soft x-ray emissivity type as a string.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_signal_factor (this, index) |
| Get the scale factor for a signal.
real(rprec) function | model::model_get_signal_offset (this, index) |
| Get the offset factor for a signal.
logical function | model::model_is_recon_param (this, id) |
| Determines if a parameter id is a reconstruction parameter.
logical function | model::model_has_vacuum_field (this) |
| Determines if vacuum field information is available.
logical function | model::model_is_in_plasma (this, x_cart) |
| Determines if a point is inside the plasma or outside.
type(vertex) function, pointer | model::model_limit_path_to_boundary (this, path) |
| Limit an integration path to the boundary.
subroutine | model::model_reset_state (this) |
| Reset the internal state of the model.
subroutine | model::model_save_state (this) |
| Save the internal state of the model.
logical function | model::model_converge (this, num_iter, iou, eq_comm, param_name) |
| Solves the model.
subroutine | model::model_write (this, iou) |
| Write out the model to an output file.
subroutine | model::model_def_result (this, result_ncid, maxnsteps_dim_id, string_len_dim_id) |
| Define NetCDF variables for the result file.
subroutine | model::model_write_init_data (this, result_ncid) |
| Write inital data to NetCDF result file.
subroutine | model::model_write_step_data (this, result_ncid, current_step) |
| Write step data to NetCDF result file.
subroutine | model::model_restart (this, result_ncid, current_step) |
| Restart the model.
subroutine | model::model_sync_state (this, recon_comm) |
| Syncronize the model state to children.
subroutine | model::model_sync_child (this, index, recon_comm) |
| Syncronize a child model state to the parent.
integer, parameter | model::model_ne_unit_id = 0 |
| Parameter id for the electron density units.
integer, parameter | model::model_ne_min_id = 1 |
| Parameter id for the minimum electron density.
integer, parameter | model::model_te_min_id = 2 |
| Parameter id for the minimum electron temperature.
integer, parameter | model::model_ti_min_id = 3 |
| Parameter id for the minimum electron temperature.
integer, parameter | model::model_pressure_fraction_id = 4 |
| Parameter id for the electrion fraction of the pressure.
integer, parameter | model::model_sxrem_min_id = 5 |
| Parameter id for the electrion fraction of the pressure.
integer, parameter | model::model_coosig_wgts_id = 6 |
| Parameter id for the combination signal weights.
integer, parameter | model::model_signal_factor_id = 7 |
| Parameter id for the modeled signal scale factors.
integer, parameter | model::model_signal_offset_id = 8 |
| Parameter id for the modeled signal offset factors.
integer, parameter | model::model_ne_grid_id = 9 |
| Parameter id for the electrion density grid.
integer, parameter | model::model_te_grid_id = 10 |
| Parameter id for the electrion temperature grid.
integer, parameter | model::model_ti_grid_id = 11 |
| Parameter id for the ion temperature grid.
integer, parameter | model::model_sxrem_grid_id = 12 |
| Parameter id for the soft x-ray emissivity grid.
real(rprec), parameter | model::ev_per_joule = one/1.602e-19_rprec |
| Conversion from Joules to eV.