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profiler.f File Reference

Contains module profiler. More...

Data Types

type  profiler::profiler_bucket
 Full table of profiled functions. More...


module  profiler
 Defines functions for measuring an tabulating performance of function and subroutine calls. These routines are only active when the PROFILE_ON macro is defined.


subroutine profiler::profiler_construct ()
 Construct a profiler.
subroutine profiler::profiler_destruct ()
 Deconstruct a profiler.
subroutine profiler::profiler_set_stop_time (symbol_name, start_time)
 Gets the end time of profiled function.
real(rprec) function profiler::profiler_get_start_time ()
 Gets the start time of profiled function.
recursive subroutine profiler::profiler_sort (low_index, high_index)
 Sorts the profile table based on the average call time.
integer function profiler::profiler_hash_function (symbol_name)
 Computes a hash for the symbol name.
subroutine profiler::profiler_write (iou)
 Write out the profiled data to an output file.


integer, parameter profiler::profiler_string_size = 68
 Max string length.
integer, parameter profiler::profiler_bucket_size = 1000
 Max number of buckets.
type(profiler_bucket), dimension(profiler_bucket_size), save profiler::buckets
 Array of buckets to hold the values.

Detailed Description

Contains module profiler.