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shared_data.f90 File Reference

Contains module shared_data. More...


module  shared_data
 This file contains variables and parameters used by many modules in SIESTA.


integer, parameter shared_data::ngmres_steps = 100
 Max number of gmres steps (10-100) should scale with ns.
integer, parameter shared_data::prediag = 1
 Diagonal preconditioning flag.
integer, parameter shared_data::preblock = 2
 Block preconditioning flag.
real(dp), parameter shared_data::fsq_res = 1.E-16_dp
 Threshold force for turning off resistive perturbations.
real(dp), parameter shared_data::levm_ped = 1.E-10_dp
real(dp), parameter shared_data::mu_ped = 1.E-8_dp
 Pedestal value of levenberg/mu. Should be between 10^-5 and 10^-10.
integer, parameter shared_data::gmres_peak = 2
 GMRES peak improvement.
integer, parameter shared_data::gmres_no_peak = 1
 GMRES no_peak improvement.
integer, parameter shared_data::unit_out = 336
 File output io unit.
logical, parameter shared_data::l_pedge = .true.
 Preserve s=1 as iso-pressure surface.
logical, parameter shared_data::l_natural = .TRUE.
 Natural boundry condition flag.
integer shared_data::neqs
 Number of elements in the xc array.
integer shared_data::ndims
 Number of independent variables.
integer shared_data::niter
 Total number of iteration to run.
integer shared_data::mblk_size
 Block size. (mpol + 1)*(2*ntor + 1)*ndims.
integer shared_data::nsp
 Total radial grid size in the VMEC region.
integer shared_data::nprecon
 Preconditioner flag.
integer shared_data::nprecon_type
 Preconditioner type.
integer shared_data::ngmres_type = gmres
 GMRES control flag.
integer shared_data::iortho = 3
 Orthogonalization in GMRES.
integer shared_data::hesspass_test = -1
 Dump block and data files for testing.
integer shared_data::in_hess_nfunct
integer shared_data::out_hess_nfunct
real(dp) shared_data::mupar_test
real(dp) shared_data::fsq_total
 |F|^2 WITH column scaling.
real(dp) shared_data::fsq_total1
 |F|^2 WITHOUT column scaling.
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable shared_data::xc
 1D array of Fourier mode displacement components.
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, target shared_data::gc
 1D Array of Fourier mode MHD force components
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, target shared_data::gc_sup
 1D Array of Fourier mode MHD force components, FIXME Check if this is really needed.
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable shared_data::buv_res
 Resonant magnetic field perturbation.
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable shared_data::xc0
 Saved fouier displacements.
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable shared_data::gc0
 Saved fouier MHD forces.
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable shared_data::col_scale
 Column scaling factors.
real(dp) shared_data::fsq_gmres
 |F|^2 for GMRES iterations.
real(dp) shared_data::fsq_lin
 Linear |F|^2.
real(dp) shared_data::etak_tol
real(dp) shared_data::levm_scale = 1
real(dp) shared_data::wtotal
 MHD energy sum of magnetic and thermal.
real(dp) shared_data::wtotal0
 Saved MHD energy sum of magnetic and thermal.
real(dp) shared_data::delta_t
 Time step.
real(dp) shared_data::fsqvs
 |F|^2 for s components.
real(dp) shared_data::fsqvu
 |F|^2 for u components.
real(dp) shared_data::fsqvv
 |F|^2 for v components.
real(dp), dimension(4) shared_data::ste
 Spectral Truncation RMS error,.
real(dp), dimension(12) shared_data::bs0
real(dp), dimension(12) shared_data::bu0
real(dp) shared_data::bsbu_ratio_s
real(dp) shared_data::jsju_ratio_s
real(dp) shared_data::bsbu_ratio_a
real(dp) shared_data::jsju_ratio_a
real(dp) shared_data::scale_s
real(dp) shared_data::scale_u
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable shared_data::r1_i
 R coordinates of the computational grid.
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable shared_data::z1_i
 Z coordinates of the computational grid.
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable shared_data::ru_i
 dR/du coordinates of the computational grid.
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable shared_data::zu_i
 dZ/du coordinates of the computational grid.
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable shared_data::rv_i
 dR/dv coordinates of the computational grid.
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable shared_data::zv_i
 dZ/dv coordinates of the computational grid.
real(dp) shared_data::jsupvdota
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer shared_data::asubsmnsf
 Covariant vector potential for stellator symmetric s component on full grid.
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer shared_data::asubsmncf
 Covariant vector potential for non-stellator symmetric s component on full grid.
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer shared_data::asubumncf
 Covariant vector potential for stellator symmetric u component on full grid.
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer shared_data::asubumnsf
 Covariant vector potential for non-stellator symmetric u component on full grid.
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer shared_data::asubvmncf
 Covariant vector potential for stellator symmetric v component on full grid.
real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer shared_data::asubvmnsf
 Covariant vector potential for non-stellator symmetric v component on full grid.
logical shared_data::l_push_edge
 Solve u,v components at s=1.
logical shared_data::l_push_s
 Solve for s component at origin.
logical shared_data::l_push_u
 Solve for u component at origin.
logical shared_data::l_push_v
 Solve for v component at origin.
logical shared_data::l_linearize
 Use linearized forces.
logical shared_data::l_conjgrad
logical shared_data::l_getwmhd
 Compute MHD energy.
logical shared_data::l_getfsq
 Compute |F|^2.
logical shared_data::l_applyprecon
 Apply preconditioner.
logical shared_data::l_printoriginforces = .false.
 Print forces at the origin.
logical shared_data::l_init_state
 Store initial field/pressure state.
logical shared_data::l_update_state = .false.
 Update the ste array.
logical shared_data::l_par_state
 Parallel allocated quantities? FIXME: check this.
logical shared_data::lcolscale
 Apply column scaling to hessian.
logical shared_data::lasym = .false.
 Use non-stellarator symmetry.
logical shared_data::lrecon = .false.
 Output extra information to the restart file that will be used by V3FIT. @DEPRICATED.
logical shared_data::lverbose = .true.
 Use verbose screen output.
logical shared_data::lequi1 = .true.
 Equilibrate matrix with col 1-norm.
real(dp) shared_data::siesta_curtor = 0.0
 Total toroidal current.

Detailed Description

Contains module shared_data.