integer, parameter | siesta_namelist::siesta_namelist_name_length = 256 |
| Input string length.
logical | siesta_namelist::ladd_pert = .TRUE. |
| Use helical perturbation.
logical | siesta_namelist::lresistive = .TRUE. |
| Use resistive perturbaton.
logical | siesta_namelist::lrestart = .FALSE. |
| Restart SIESTA from pervious run.
logical | siesta_namelist::l_tracing = .FALSE. |
| Produce output file for fieldline tracing.
logical | siesta_namelist::l_silo_output = .FALSE. |
| Produce silo output.
logical | siesta_namelist::l_silo3d = .FALSE. |
| Produce silo 3D output.
logical | siesta_namelist::l_output_alliter = .FALSE. |
| Write output files on all iterations.
logical | siesta_namelist::l_vmec_uniform |
| FIXME: Unknown.
logical | siesta_namelist::l_vessel = .FALSE. |
| If extended grid is to be used using an available vessel file.
logical | siesta_namelist::l_lambda = .TRUE. |
| Recompute lambda on the SIESTA grid.
logical | siesta_namelist::l_force_restart = .FALSE. |
| Recompute lambda on the SIESTA grid.
integer | siesta_namelist::niter = 10 |
| Maximum number of iterations after diagonal prec.
real(dp) | siesta_namelist::ftol = 1.E-20_dp |
| Force tolarance.
real(dp) | siesta_namelist::eta_factor = 1.E-2_dp |
| Resistivity value.
integer | siesta_namelist::nprecon = 0 |
| Skip diagonal preconditioner if greater than zero.
integer, dimension(20) | siesta_namelist::mres = 0 |
| Sizes of the helical perturbation.
real(dp), dimension(20) | siesta_namelist::helpert = 0.0 |
| Sizes of the helical perturbation.
real(dp), dimension(20) | siesta_namelist::helperta = 0.0 |
| Sizes of the helical perturbation.
integer | siesta_namelist::nsin = 101 |
| Radial size of the plasma grid.
integer | siesta_namelist::nsin_ext = 0 |
| Radial size of the extended grid.
character(len=siesta_namelist_name_length) | siesta_namelist::ntor_type = 'dense' |
| Type of toroidal modes.
integer | siesta_namelist::mpolin = 12 |
| Number of poloidal modes.
integer | siesta_namelist::ntorin = 3 |
| Number of toroidal modes.
integer | siesta_namelist::nfpin = 0 |
| Number of field periods to use. -1 means set this to the value in the wout file.
integer, dimension(-50:50) | siesta_namelist::ntor_modes |
| Sparse toroidal modes.
integer | siesta_namelist::nphis = 2 |
| Number of cylindrical phi planes.
integer | siesta_namelist::nrs = 200 |
| Number of radial grid points.
integer | siesta_namelist::nzs = 200 |
| Number of vertical grid points.
integer | siesta_namelist::nvs = 150 |
| Number of flux space toroidal points.
integer | siesta_namelist::nus = 150 |
| Number of flux space poloidal points.
integer | siesta_namelist::nss = 100 |
| Number of flux space radial points.
character(len=siesta_namelist_name_length) | siesta_namelist::wout_file = '' |
| Filename of the VMEC woutfile.
character(len=siesta_namelist_name_length) | siesta_namelist::restart_ext = '' |
| Name of the restart file extension.
character(len=siesta_namelist_name_length) | siesta_namelist::mgrid_file = '' |
| Filename of the VMEC woutfile.
character(len=siesta_namelist_name_length) | siesta_namelist::vessel_file = '' |
| Name of the restart file extension.
Contains module siesta_namelist.