This page documents the contents of a SIESTA restart file.
Namelist Variables
Input variable | Description | Code Reference |
Control Flags
state_flags | State flags of the model. Aditionally stores the version number in the first 31 bits.
- restart_version
- restart_lasym
| |
wout_file | Name of the inital wout_file. | siesta_namelist::wout_file |
Dimension sizes.
Normalization factors.
b_factor | Normalization factor for the magnetic field. | quantities::b_factor |
p_factor | Normalization factor for the pressure. | quantities::p_factor |
Scalar quantities.
1D profiles.
@table_sections{siesta_restart_2D_arrays_sec, 3D arrays.}
Internal arrays
JBsupssh_m_n_r_ | Normalized JB^s component sine parity. | quantities::jbsupsmnsh |
JBsupuch_m_n_r_ | Normalized JB^u component cosine parity. | quantities::jbsupumnch |
JBsupvch_m_n_r_ | Normalized JB^v component cosine parity. | quantities::jbsupvmnch |
jpresch_m_n_r_ | Normalized JP component cosine parity. | quantities::jpmnch |
Internal arrays asym.
JBsupsch_m_n_r_ | Normalized JB^s component cosine parity. | quantities::jbsupsmnch |
JBsupush_m_n_r_ | Normalized JB^u component sine parity. | quantities::jbsupumnsh |
JBsupvsh_m_n_r_ | Normalized JB^v component sine parity. | quantities::jbsupvmnsh |
jpressh_m_n_r_ | Normalized JB^v component sine parity. | quantities::jpmnsh |
Grid arrays
rmnc_m_n_r_ | R cosine parity. | vmec_info::rmnc_i |
zmns_m_n_r_ | Z sine parity. | vmec_info::zmns_i |
Gird arrays asym.
rmns_m_n_r_ | R sine parity. | vmec_info::rmns_i |
zmnc_m_n_r_ | Z cosine parity. | vmec_info::zmnc_i |
VMEC arrays.
lmns_m_n_r_ | Lambda sine parity. | vmec_info::lmns_i |
VMEC arrays asym.
lmnc_m_n_r_ | Lambda cosine parity. | vmec_info::lmnc_i |
Magnetic fields.
bsubsmnsh_m_n_r_ | B_s component sine parity. | |
bsubumnch_m_n_r_ | B_u component cosine parity. | |
bsubvmnch_m_n_r_ | B_v component cosine parity. | |
bsupsmnsh_m_n_r_ | B^s component sine parity. | |
bsupumnch_m_n_r_ | B^u component cosine parity. | |
bsupvmnch_m_n_r_ | B^v component cosine parity. | |
Magnetic fields asymmetric.
bsubsmnch_m_n_r_ | B_s component cosine parity. | |
bsubumnsh_m_n_r_ | B_u component sine parity. | |
bsubvmnsh_m_n_r_ | B_v component sine parity. | |
bsupsmnch_m_n_r_ | B^s component cosine parity. | |
bsupumnsh_m_n_r_ | B^u component sine parity. | |
bsupvmnsh_m_n_r_ | B^v component sine parity. | |
pmnch_m_n_r_ | Pressure cosine parity. | |
Magnetic fields asymmetric.
pmnsh_m_n_r_ | Pressure sine parity. | |
Magnetic fields.
fsubsmnsh_m_n_r_ | F_s component sine parity. | quantities::fsubsmnsf |
fsubumnch_m_n_r_ | F_u component cosine parity. | quantities::fsubumncf |
fsubvmnch_m_n_r_ | F_v component cosine parity. | quantities::fsubvmncf |
fsupsmnsh_m_n_r_ | F^s component sine parity. | quantities::fsupsmncf |
fsupumnch_m_n_r_ | F^u component cosine parity. | quantities::fsupumnsf |
fsupvmnch_m_n_r_ | F^v component cosine parity. | quantities::fsupvmnsf |
Magnetic fields asymmetric.
fsubsmnsh_m_n_r_ | F_s component sine parity. | quantities::fsubsmnsf |
fsubumnch_m_n_r_ | F_u component cosine parity. | quantities::fsubumncf |
fsubvmnch_m_n_r_ | F_v component cosine parity. | quantities::fsubvmncf |
fsupsmnch_m_n_r_ | F^s component cosine parity. | quantities::fsupsmncf |
bsupumnsh_m_n_r_ | F^u component sine parity. | quantities::fsupumnsf |
bsupvmnsh_m_n_r_ | F^v component sine parity. | quantities::fsupvmnsf |
Vector potential arrays
Vector potential asymmetric arrays
Programmers Reference
Reference material for the coding to implement this restart file is found in the restart_mod module.