type(vacuum_class) function, pointer | vacuum_equilibrium::vacuum_construct (file_name, iou, force_solve) |
| Construct a vacuum_class object.
subroutine | vacuum_equilibrium::vacuum_destruct (this) |
| Deconstruct a vacuum_class object.
subroutine | vacuum_equilibrium::vacuum_set_param (this, id, i_index, j_index, value, eq_comm, state_flags) |
| Sets the value of a reconstruction equilibrium parameter.
character(len=data_name_length) function | vacuum_equilibrium::vacuum_get_type (this) |
| Gets a discription of the equilibrium type.
integer function | vacuum_equilibrium::vacuum_get_param_id (this, param_name) |
| Get the id for a reconstruction parameter.
real(rprec) function | vacuum_equilibrium::vacuum_get_param_value (this, id, i_index, j_index) |
| Get the value of a reconstruction vacuum parameter.
character(len=data_name_length) function | vacuum_equilibrium::vacuum_get_param_name (this, id) |
| Get the name of a reconstruction vacuum parameter.
real(rprec) function, dimension(3) | vacuum_equilibrium::vacuum_get_b_vec (this, x_cart, cyl) |
| Gets the magnetic field vector at a position.
real(rprec) function | vacuum_equilibrium::vacuum_get_int_b_dphi (this, s, theta) |
| Gets the loop integrated magnetic field at a position.
real(rprec) function, dimension(:), pointer | vacuum_equilibrium::vacuum_get_ext_currents (this, num_currents, scale_currents) |
| Get external current.
logical function | vacuum_equilibrium::vacuum_is_1d_array (this, id) |
| Checks if a parameter id is a 1d array.
logical function | vacuum_equilibrium::vacuum_is_recon_param (this, id) |
| Checks if a parameter id is a reconstruction parameter.
subroutine | vacuum_equilibrium::vacuum_write (this, iou) |
| Write out the equilibrium to an output file.
subroutine | vacuum_equilibrium::vacuum_write_input (this, current_step) |
| Write the current valid input.