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vacuum_input.f File Reference

Contains module vacuum_input. More...


module  vacuum_input
 This file contains all the variables and maximum sizes of the inputs for a vacuum namelist input file. The module contained within does not represent an object instance. Instead all variables are contained in a global context. This is required due to limitations of FORTRAN 95 and namelist inputs. Any information needed by a vacuum equilibrium should be copied to a vacuum_equilibrium object. All non-parameters are inputs to the namelist input file.


subroutine vacuum_input::vacuum_input_read_namelist (namelist_file)
 Reads the namelist input file.
subroutine vacuum_input::vacuum_input_write_namelist (namelist_file)
 Writes the namelist input file.


integer, parameter vacuum_input::vacuum_max_currents = 1000
 Maximum number of diagnostic signals.
character(len=path_length) vacuum_input::coils_dot_file = ''
 File name for vacuum namelist input.
integer vacuum_input::n_extcur = 0
 Number of external currents.
real(rprec), dimension(vacuum_max_currentsvacuum_input::extcur = 0.0
 External currents.
real(rprec), dimension(vacuum_max_currents, 3) vacuum_input::cg_shift_1 = 0.0
 Vector to shift all the coils. (Before rotation)
real(rprec), dimension(vacuum_max_currentsvacuum_input::cg_rot_theta = 0.0
 Spherical polar angle to specify axis of rotation.
real(rprec), dimension(vacuum_max_currentsvacuum_input::cg_rot_phi = 0.0
 Spherical azimuthal angle to specify axis of rotation.
real(rprec), dimension(vacuum_max_currentsvacuum_input::cg_rot_angle = 0.0
 Angle to rotate about axis of rotation. NB - LEFT HAND convention. Put left thumb along axis of rotation, fingers indicate direction of positive rotation.
real(rprec), dimension(vacuum_max_currents, 3) vacuum_input::cg_rot_xcent = 0.0
 Position of center of rotation.
logical, dimension(vacuum_max_currentsvacuum_input::l_rot_coil_center = .false.
real(rprec), dimension(vacuum_max_currents, 3) vacuum_input::cg_shift_2 = 0.0
 Vector to shift all the coils. (After rotation)

Detailed Description

Contains module vacuum_input.