vmec_context.f File Reference

Contains module vmec_context. More...

Data Types

type  vmec_context::vmec_context_class
 Base class representing a vmec_context. This contains a copy of every variable that is needed to define the VMEC state. More...


module  vmec_context
 Defines the base class of the type vmec_context_class. This contains the state variables needed by VMEC.


type(vmec_context_class) function, pointer vmec_context::vmec_context_construct ()
 Construct a new vmec_context_class object. More...
subroutine vmec_context::vmec_context_destruct (this)
 Deconstruct a vmec_context_class object. More...
subroutine vmec_context::vmec_context_set_context (this)
 Sets the current context to the vmec_context_class object. More...
subroutine vmec_context::vmec_context_get_context (this)
 Gets the current context from the VMEC internal state. More...
subroutine vmec_context::vmec_context_sync_state (this, recon_comm)
 Syncronize the vmec_context to children. More...
subroutine vmec_context::vmec_context_sync_child (this, index, recon_comm)
 Syncronize a child vmec_context to the parent. More...

Detailed Description

Contains module vmec_context.