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compression.f File Reference

Contains module compression. More...

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Data Types

type  compression::compression_class
 Base class containing buffers for compressed and uncompressed data. More...
type  compression::compression_pointer
 Pointer to a compression object. Used for creating arrays of compression pointers. This is needed because fortran does not allow arrays of pointers directly. More...
interface  compression::compression_construct
 Interface for the construction of compression_class types using compression_construct_new or compression_construct_netcdf. More...


module  compression
 Defines the base class of the type compression_class. This class contains the code and buffers to hold compressed and uncompressed data. 2D matrix data is compressed using a singular value decomposition. See del-Castillo-Negrete et. al. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2006.07.022.


type(compression_class) function, pointer compression::compression_construct_new (data_in, svd_cut_off)
 Construct a compression_class object. More...
type(compression_class) function, pointer compression::compression_construct_netcdf (ncid, name)
 Construct a compression_class object by reading from an netcdf. file. More...
subroutine compression::compression_destruct (this)
 Deconstruct a compression_class object. More...
integer function compression::compression_get_dimension1 (this)
 Get the ith dimension length. More...
integer function compression::compression_get_dimension2 (this)
 Get the jth dimension length. More...
subroutine compression::compression_decompress (this)
 Decompress the data. More...
subroutine compression::compression_cleanup (this)
 Cleanup decompressed data. More...
subroutine compression::compression_define (this, ncid, name)
 Define variables for the compressed data. More...
subroutine compression::compression_write (this, ncid, name)
 Cleanup decompressed data. More...


real(rprec), parameter compression::compression_max_percentage = 100.0
 Maximum compressed size before uncompressed buffers are stored.
character(len= *), parameter compression::compression_data_buffer_post = 'data_buffer'
 Postfix for the data buffer.
character(len= *), parameter compression::compression_u_buffer_post = 'u_buffer'
 Postfix for the data buffer.
character(len= *), parameter compression::compression_wvt_buffer_post = 'wvt_buffer'
 Postfix for the data buffer.
character(len= *), parameter compression::compression_data_dim_post = 'data_dim'
 Postfix for the data buffer.

Detailed Description

Contains module compression.

Definition in file compression.f.