▼ BMW | |
► Sources | |
bmw.f | Contains the main routines for Biot-Savart Magnetic Vmec Vector-Potential (BMW) code |
bmw_commandline_parser.f | Contains module bmw_commandline_parser |
bmw_context.f | Contains module bmw_context |
bmw_parallel_context.f | Contains module bmw_parallel_context |
bmw_state_flags.f | Contains module bmw_state_flags |
m_grid.f | Contains module m_grid |
primed_grid.f | Contains module primed_grid |
siesta_file.f | Contains module siesta_file |
unprimed_grid.f | Contains module unprimed_grid |
▼ BOOTSJ | |
► Sources | |
al31.f | |
allocate_angles.f | |
allocate_radial.f | |
bongrid.f | |
bootsj.f | |
caprsh2.f | |
datain.f | |
deallocate_all.f | |
denmf.f | |
do_fft.f | |
driver.f | |
fraction.f | |
grad.f | |
othersums.f | |
output.f | |
parambs.f | |
positiv.f | |
read_boozer.f | |
reorganz.f | |
SIMPUN.f | |
smooth1.f | |
sumit.f | |
temp.f | |
tok_fraction.f | |
trig.f | |
vmec0.f | |
woflam.f | |
► Sources | |
allocate_boozer.f | |
booz_jac.f | |
booz_params.f | |
booz_persistent.f | |
boozer.f | |
boozer_coords.f | |
boozer_xform.f | |
foranl.f | |
free_mem_boozer.f | |
harfun.f | |
read_wout_booz.f | |
setup_booz.f | |
transpmn.f | |
trigfunc.f | |
vcoords.f | |
write_boozmn.f | |
▼ DESCUR | |
► Sources | |
amplitud.f | |
descur.f | |
evolve.f | |
fftrans.f | |
fixaray.f | |
funct.f | |
getangle.f | |
getrz.f | |
inguess.f | |
order.f | |
printit.f | |
read_indata.f | |
read_wout_curve.f | |
restart.f | |
scrunch.f | |
vname0.f | |
vname1.f | |
▼ GTOVMI | |
► Sources | |
► Akima | |
akima.f | |
doakima.f | |
ssort.f | |
► Eqdsk | |
afile.f | |
getbpsq.f | |
getd3dcur.f | |
gfile_allocate.f | |
rdeqdsk.f | |
► Ezcdf | |
ezcdf.f90 | |
ezcdf_attrib.f90 | |
ezcdf_GenGet.f90 | |
ezcdf_GenPut.f90 | |
ezcdf_inqvar.f90 | |
ezcdf_opncls.f90 | |
handle_err.f90 | |
► General | |
deriv.f | |
descur_sub.f | |
gtovmi2.f | |
initpsi.f | |
shiftx.f | |
sortstuff.f | |
► Graphics | |
plotbox.f | |
surfaces_plot.f | |
► Map | |
cntourp.f | |
dvdpsi.f | |
equalarc.f | |
errray1.f | |
furpl.f | |
furplm.f | |
garc.f | |
mapout_nc.f | |
mapperb.f | |
pack.f | |
rayatt.f | |
rszs_allocate.f | |
► Modules | |
gfile.f | |
mapg_mod.f | |
mapout.f | |
polynomial.f | |
precision.f | |
vname.f | |
► Splining | |
spline2d.f | |
splines.f | |
► Svd | |
svdcmp.f | |
svdfit.f | |
▼ LGRID | |
► Sources | |
main.cpp | Contains the main rotutines for LGRID |
vector3d.cpp | |
vector3d.hpp | |
vertex.cpp | |
vertex.hpp | |
► Sources | |
► C | |
copy_file.c | Functions to fast copy files |
► Coils | |
init_bg_currents.f | |
init_modular_coils.f | |
init_modular_currents.f | |
init_modular_wsurf.f | |
init_saddle_coils.f | |
init_saddle_currents.f | |
init_saddle_wsurf.f | |
init_tf_coils.f | |
init_vf_coils.f | |
init_vf_currents.f | |
initialize_coilsin.f | |
load_bg_currents.f | |
load_modular_coils.f | |
load_modular_currents.f | |
load_modular_wsurf.f | |
load_saddle_coils.f | |
load_saddle_currents.f | |
load_saddle_wsurf.f | |
load_tf_coils.f | |
load_vf_coils.f | |
load_vf_currents.f | |
write_coilsin.f | |
► Ezcdf | |
ezcdf.f90 | |
ezcdf_attrib.f90 | |
ezcdf_GenGet.f90 | |
ezcdf_GenPut.f90 | |
ezcdf_inqvar.f90 | |
ezcdf_opncls.f90 | |
handle_err.f90 | |
► FFTpack | |
cfft99.f | |
cftfax.f90 | |
cftrig.f90 | |
fact.f90 | |
fax.f | |
fft99.f | |
fft991.f | |
fft99a.f | |
fft99b.f | |
fftfax.f90 | |
fftrig.f90 | |
fmn_to_uv.f | |
trigfact.f | |
vpassm.f | |
► GMRes | |
dPackgmres.f | |
gmres_lib.f | |
gmresr.f | |
► Linpack | |
li_gbfa.f | |
li_gbsl.f | |
li_gefa.f | |
li_gesl.f | |
liprec.f | |
► Lsode | |
cfode.f | |
ewset.f | |
intdy.f | |
lsode.f | |
prepj.f | |
solsy.f | |
stode.f | |
vnorm.f | |
xerrwv.f | |
► Miscel | |
bextrema.f | |
blk3d.f | |
build_matrices_legendre.f | |
CHFDV.f | |
convert_boundary.f | |
convert_boundary_PG.f | |
ddsum.f | |
erf.f | |
factorial.f | |
fmax.f | |
fmin.f | |
getcarg.f90 | |
getfilesize.f | |
integral.f | |
legendre_to_power.f | |
line_segment.f | Contains module line_segment |
multxy.f | |
nelmin.f | |
parse_extension.f | |
PCHDF.f | |
PCHEV.f | |
PCHEZ.f | |
PCHFD.f | |
PCHIM.f | |
PCHSP.f | |
PCHST.f | |
point_wise_to_power.f | |
power_to_legendre.f | |
pxffork.f | |
pxfgetpid.f | |
pxfwait.f | |
read_namelist.f90 | |
second0.f | |
solver.f | |
spline.f | |
spline_akima.f | |
spline_akima_int.f | |
spline_cubic.f | |
spline_cubic_int.f | |
spline_it.f | |
splint.f | |
strip_comments.f | |
tolower.f90 | |
tridslv.f | |
vmec_chdir.f | |
vmec_getenv.f90 | |
vmec_putenv.f | |
vmec_system.f | |
► Modules | |
bcoils_mod.f | |
biotsavart.f | |
bnorm_mod.f | |
bootsj_input.f | |
boundary_T.f | |
bsc_cdf.f | |
bsc_T.f | |
coilsnamin.f | |
compression.f | Contains module compression |
control_mod.f | |
coordinate_utilities.f | Contains module coordinate_utilities |
cyl_flux.f | |
date_and_computer.f90 | |
de_mod.f | |
diagnostic_cdf.f | |
diagnostic_T.f | |
extcurz_T.f | |
fftpack.f | |
file_opts.f | Contains module file_opts |
functions.f | |
ga_mod.f | |
gade_mod.f | |
integration_path.f | Contains module integration_path |
ipch_T.f | |
magnetic_response.f | Contains module magnetic_response |
math_utilities.f | |
mddc_cdf.f | |
mddc_T.f | |
mgrid_mod.f | |
modular_coils.f | |
mpi_inc.f | Contains module mpi_inc |
mpi_params.f | |
optim_params.f | |
packafile.f | |
profiler.f | Contains module profiler |
read_boozer_mod.f90 | |
read_response.f | |
read_response_nompi.f | |
read_v3post_mod.f | |
read_wout_mod.f90 | |
saddle_coils.f | |
saddle_surface.f | |
safe_open_mod.f90 | |
stel_constants.f | |
stel_kinds.f | |
sxrch_T.f | |
system_mod.f | |
tf_coils.f | |
thscte_T.f | |
v3_utilities.f | |
v3f_vmec_comm.f | |
v3post_rfun.f | |
vacfield_mod.f | |
vcoilpts.f | |
vertex_list.f | |
vf_coils.f | |
virtual_casing_mod.f90 | |
vmec_input.f | |
vmec_seq.f | |
vmec_utils.f | |
vparams.f | |
vsvd0.f | |
write_array_generic.f | |
► Optimization | |
crosovr.f | |
DE_driver.f90 | |
DE_Evaluate.f90 | |
DE_Evolve.f90 | |
de_mpi.f | |
de_parallel.f90 | |
DE_preset.f | |
dpmpar.f | |
enorm.f | |
fdjac_mod.f | |
fdjac_parallel.f90 | |
ga_code.f | |
ga_decode.f | |
GA_driver.f | |
ga_evalout.f90 | |
ga_evaluate.f | |
ga_fitness_mpi.f | |
ga_fitness_parallel.f | |
ga_initial.f | |
ga_micro.f | |
ga_mutate.f | |
ga_newgen.f | |
ga_niche.f | |
ga_possibl.f | |
GA_preset.f | |
ga_restart.f | |
ga_select.f | |
ga_selectn.f | |
ga_shuffle.f | |
ga_sp.f | |
lmdif.f90 | |
lmdif1.f90 | |
lmdif1_mp.f | |
lmpar.f | |
lmpar_mod.f | |
lmpar_parallel.f90 | |
multiprocess.f90 | |
myfork.f90 | |
qrfac.f | |
qrsolv.f | |
ran3.f | |
unique_boundary.f | |
unique_boundary_PG.f | |
write_gade_nml.f | |
► Pspline | |
akherm1.f | |
akherm2.f | |
akherm3.f | |
bcspeval.f | |
bcspgrid.f | |
bcspline.f | |
bcspvec.f | |
bpsplinb.f | |
bpspline.f | |
cspeval.f | |
cspline.f | |
cubsplb.f | |
dnherm1.f | |
dnherm2.f | |
dnherm3.f | |
evbicub.f | |
evintrp2d.f | |
evintrp3d.f | |
evspline.f | |
evtricub.f | |
ezhybrid_init.f90 | |
ezhybrid_initx.f90 | |
ezlinear_init.f90 | |
ezspline.f90 | |
ezspline_2netcdf.f90 | |
ezspline_cdfget3.f90 | |
ezspline_cdfput3.f90 | |
ezspline_cinterp.f90 | |
ezspline_derivative.f90 | |
ezspline_free.f90 | |
ezspline_gradient.f90 | |
ezspline_init.f90 | |
ezspline_interp.f90 | |
ezspline_isgridregular.f90 | |
ezspline_isindomain.f90 | |
ezspline_load.f90 | |
ezspline_modulo.f90 | |
ezspline_obj.f90 | |
ezspline_save.f90 | |
ezspline_setup.f90 | |
ezspline_setupx.f90 | |
ezspline_type.f90 | |
f2test.f | |
f3test.f | |
genxpkg.f | |
gridbicub.f | |
gridherm1.f | |
gridherm2.f | |
gridherm3.f | |
gridintrp2d.f | |
gridintrp3d.f | |
gridpc1.f | |
gridpc2.f | |
gridpc3.f | |
gridspline.f | |
gridtricub.f | |
herm1ev.f | |
herm2ev.f | |
herm3ev.f | |
ibc_ck.f | |
mkbicub.f | |
mkbicubw.f | |
mkherm1.f | |
mkherm2.f | |
mkherm3.f | |
mkintrp2d.f | |
mkintrp3d.f | |
mkspl2p.f | |
mkspl2pb.f | |
mkspl2z.f | |
mkspl2zb.f | |
mkspl3pb.f | |
mkspl3zb.f | |
mkspline.f | |
mktricub.f | |
mktricubw.f | |
nspline.f | |
pc1ev.f | |
pc2ev.f | |
pc3ev.f | |
psp_tolsum.f | |
pspline.f | |
pspline_calls.f | |
r8akherm1.f | |
r8akherm2.f | |
r8akherm3.f | |
r8bcspeval.f | |
r8bcspgrid.f | |
r8bcspline.f | |
r8bcspvec.f | |
r8bpsplinb.f | |
r8bpspline.f | |
r8cspeval.f | |
r8cspline.f | |
r8cubsplb.f | |
r8dnherm1.f | |
r8dnherm2.f | |
r8dnherm3.f | |
r8evbicub.f | |
r8evintrp2d.f | |
r8evintrp3d.f | |
r8evspline.f | |
r8evtricub.f | |
r8genxpkg.f | |
r8gridbicub.f | |
r8gridherm1.f | |
r8gridherm2.f | |
r8gridherm3.f | |
r8gridintrp2d.f | |
r8gridintrp3d.f | |
r8gridpc1.f | |
r8gridpc2.f | |
r8gridpc3.f | |
r8gridspline.f | |
r8gridtricub.f | |
r8herm1ev.f | |
r8herm2ev.f | |
r8herm3ev.f | |
r8mkbicub.f | |
r8mkbicubw.f | |
r8mkherm1.f | |
r8mkherm2.f | |
r8mkherm3.f | |
r8mkintrp2d.f | |
r8mkintrp3d.f | |
r8mkspl2p.f | |
r8mkspl2pb.f | |
r8mkspl2z.f | |
r8mkspl2zb.f | |
r8mkspl3pb.f | |
r8mkspl3zb.f | |
r8mkspline.f | |
r8mktricub.f | |
r8mktricubw.f | |
r8nspline.f | |
r8pc1ev.f | |
r8pc2ev.f | |
r8pc3ev.f | |
r8psp_tolsum.f | |
r8pspline.f | |
r8seval.f | |
r8seval2.f | |
r8seval3.f | |
r8speval.f | |
r8spgrid.f | |
r8splaan.f | |
r8splbrk.f | |
r8spleen.f | |
r8splinck.f | |
r8spline.f | |
r8spvec.f | |
r8tcspeval.f | |
r8tcspgrid.f | |
r8tcspline.f | |
r8tcspvec.f | |
r8tpsplinb.f | |
r8tpspline.f | |
r8util_bcherm1.f | |
r8util_bcherm2.f | |
r8util_bcherm3.f | |
r8v_spline.f | |
r8vecbicub.f | |
r8vecherm1.f | |
r8vecherm2.f | |
r8vecherm3.f | |
r8vecintrp2d.f | |
r8vecintrp3d.f | |
r8vecpc1.f | |
r8vecpc2.f | |
r8vecpc3.f | |
r8vecspline.f | |
r8vectricub.f | |
r8xlookup.f | |
r8zonfind.f | |
seval.f | |
seval2.f | |
seval3.f | |
speval.f | |
spgrid.f | |
splaan.f | |
splbrk.f | |
spleen.f | |
splinck.f | |
spline_ez1.f | |
spvec.f | |
tcspeval.f | |
tcspgrid.f | |
tcspline.f | |
tcspvec.f | |
tpsplinb.f | |
tpspline.f | |
util_bcherm1.f | |
util_bcherm2.f | |
util_bcherm3.f | |
v_spline.f | |
vecbicub.f | |
vecherm1.f | |
vecherm2.f | |
vecherm3.f | |
vecin2d_argchk.f | |
vecin3d_argchk.f | |
vecintrp2d.f | |
vecintrp3d.f | |
vecpc1.f | |
vecpc2.f | |
vecpc3.f | |
vecspline.f | |
vectricub.f | |
xlookup.f | |
zonfind.f | |
► QMRpack | |
daxpby.f | |
drandn.f | |
dutfx.f | |
► SMPINT | |
dcuhre.f | |
dqag.f | |
smpint.f | |
► SVDpack | |
polysvd.f | |
pythag.f | |
SVBKSB.f | |
svd_solve.f | |
svdcmp.f | |
svdinv.f | |
svdinv2.f | |
svdsolveb.f | |
svdsolveuv.f | |
► Track | |
ajax_mod.f90 | |
linear1_mod.f90 | |
spec_kind_mod.f90 | |
spline1_mod.f90 | |
track_mod.f90 | |
write_mod.f90 | |
► Sources | |
makegrid.f | |
makegrid_global.f | |
symcheck.f | |
write_mgrid.f | |
► Sources | |
bspline.f90 | |
enforce_periodicity.f | |
jacobian.f | |
lsode_quantities.f | |
poincare.f | |
reset_coords.f | |
rt_hand_side_dphi.f | |
rt_hand_side_dtheta.f | |
spline3d_fit_coefs.f | |
spline_fields.f | |
▼ SIESTA | |
► Sources | |
add_resistivity.f90 | |
assert_mod.f90 | |
bhtobf.f90 | |
blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90 | |
bmw_run.f | |
check3d.f90 | |
descriptor_mod.f90 | |
diagnostics_mod.f90 | |
dumping_mod.f90 | |
evolution.f90 | |
f1dim_mod.f90 | |
fourier.f90 | Contains module fourier |
gmres.f90 | Contains the gmres module |
grid_extension.f90 | Contains module grid_extension |
hessian.f90 | |
island_params.f90 | Contains module island_params |
metrics.f90 | Contains module metrics |
nscalingtools.f90 | |
pchelms.f90 | Contains module pchelms |
perturbation.f90 | |
prof_mod.f90 | |
ptrd_mod.f90 | |
quantities.f90 | |
restart_mod.f90 | Contains module restart_mod |
shared_data.f90 | Contains module shared_data |
shared_functions.f90 | |
siesta.f90 | |
siesta_bfield.f90 | Contains module siesta_bfield |
siesta_currents.f90 | Contains routines to compute the current density from Curl(B) |
siesta_displacement.f90 | |
siesta_error.f90 | |
siesta_force.f90 | Contains the siesta_force module |
siesta_init.f90 | Contains module siesta_init |
siesta_namelist.f90 | Contains module siesta_namelist |
siesta_pressure.f90 | |
siesta_run.f90 | Contains module siesta_run |
siesta_state.f90 | |
silo.inc | |
timer_mod.f90 | |
utilities.f90 | Contains module utilities |
vmec_info.f90 | |
▼ V3FITA | |
► Sources | |
bivariate.f | Contains module bivariate |
combination.f | Contains module combination |
commandline_parser.f | Contains module commandline_parser |
data_parameters.f | Contains module data_parameters |
ece.f | Contains module ece |
ece_dot.f | Contains module ece_dot |
emission.f | Contains module emission |
equilibrium.f | Contains module equilibrium |
extcurz.f | |
feedback.f | Contains module feedback |
guassian_process.f | Contains module guassian_process |
intpol.f | Contains module intpol |
ipch_dot.f | Contains module ipch_dot |
limiter.f | Contains module limiter |
limiter_grid.f | Contains module limiter |
limiter_iso_T.f | Contains module limiter_iso_T |
magnetic.f | Contains module magnetic |
model.f | Contains module model |
model_state.f | Contains module model_state |
mse.f | Contains module mse |
mse_dot.f | Contains module mse_dot |
pprofile_T.f | Contains module pprofile_T |
prior_gaussian.f | Contains module prior_gaussian |
reconstruction.f | Contains module reconstruction |
siesta_context.f | Contains module siesta_context |
siesta_equilibrium.f | Contains module siesta_equilibrium |
signal.f | Contains module signal |
signal_dot.f | Contains module signal_dot |
sxrch_dot.f | Contains module sxrch_dot |
sxrem.f | Contains module sxrem |
sxrem_ratio.f | Contains module sxrem_ratio |
sxrem_ratio_dot.f | Contains module sxrem_ratio_dot |
thomson.f | Contains module thomson |
thscte_dot.f | Contains module thscte_dot |
v3fit_context.f | Contains module v3fit_context |
v3fit_input.f | Contains module v3fit_input |
v3fit_params.f | Contains module v3fit_params |
v3fita.f | Contains the main routines for V3FIT |
vacuum_equilibrium.f | Contains module vacuum_equilibrium |
vacuum_input.f | Contains module vacuum_input |
vmec_context.f | Contains module vmec_context |
vmec_equilibrium.f | Contains module vmec_equilibrium |
▼ V3RFUN | |
► Sources | |
diagnostic_dot.f | Contains module diagnostic_dot |
v3rfun.f | Contains the main routines for V3RFUN |
v3rfun_context.f | Contains module v3rfun_context |
v3rfun_input.f | Contains module v3rfun_input |
▼ VMEC2000 | |
► Sources | |
► General | |
add_fluxes.f90 | |
alias.f | |
angle_constraints.f90 | |
aspectratio.f | |
bcovar.f | |
blocktridiagonalsolver.f90 | |
blocktridiagonalsolver_bst.f90 | |
convert.f | |
csplinx.f | |
directaccess.f90 | |
fbal.f | |
forces.f | |
funct3d.f | |
getfsq.f | |
jacobian.f | |
lamcal.f90 | |
precondn.f | |
realspace.f | |
residue.f90 | |
scalfor.f | |
spectrum.f | |
symforce.f | |
symrzl.f | |
tomnsp_mod.f | |
totzsp_mod.f | |
vforces.f | |
vmec_dim.f | |
vmec_main.f | |
vmec_params.f | |
vmec_persistent.f | |
xstuff.f | |
► Hessian | |
precon2d.f | |
► Initialization_Cleanup | |
allocate_funct3d.f | |
allocate_ns.f | |
allocate_nunv.f | |
close_all_files.f | |
fixaray.f | |
free_mem_funct3d.f | |
free_mem_ns.f | |
free_mem_nunv.f | |
free_persistent_mem.f | |
guess_axis.f | |
heading.f | |
init_geometry.f90 | |
initialize_radial.f | |
load_xc_from_wout.f | |
magnetic_fluxes.f | |
open_output_files.f | |
profil1d.f | |
profil3d.f | |
profile_functions.f | |
reset_params.f | |
vsetup.f | |
► Input_Output | |
bss.f | |
dump_output.f | |
elongation.f | |
eqfor.f | |
fileout.f | |
freeb_data.f | |
fsym_fft.f | |
fsym_invfft.f | |
getbrho.f | |
getcurmid.f | |
jxbforce.f | |
mercier.f | |
perf2likwid.f90 | |
printout.f | |
read_indata.f | |
readin.f | |
TestWout.f | |
timer_sub.f | |
vmec_io.f | |
vmercier.f | |
write_dcon.f | |
wrout.f | |
► NESTOR_vacuum | |
analysum.f | |
analysum2.f | |
analyt.f | |
becoil.f | |
belicu.f | |
bextern.f | |
fouri.f | |
fourp.f | |
greenf.f | |
precal.f | |
scalpot.f | |
surface.f | |
tolicu.f | |
vac_persistent.f | |
vacmod.f | |
vacmod0.f | |
vacuum.f | |
► Splines | |
add_tension.f | |
getspline.f | |
gety2.f | |
initspline.f | |
jacprod.f | |
set_dual.f | |
setspline.f | |
setup_int.f | |
sort_data.f | |
splinint.f | |
splints.f | |
splintx.f | |
vspline.f | |
► TimeStep | |
eqsolve.f | |
evolve.f | |
gmres_mod.f | |
interp.f | |
parallel_include_module.f90 | |
parallel_vmec_module.f90 | |
restart.f | |
runvmec.f | |
vmec.f | |
vmec_history.f | |
► Sources | |
wout_converter.f | Utility to convert a NetCDF based wout file to a text based wout file. vmec_equilibrium |