1  subroutine ibc_ck(ibc,slbl,xlbl,imin,imax,ier)
2 c
3 c check that spline routine ibc flag is in range
4 c
5  integer ibc ! input -- flag value
6  character*(*) slbl ! input -- subroutine name
7  character*(*) xlbl ! input -- axis label
8 c
9  integer imin ! input -- min allowed value
10  integer imax ! input -- max allowed value
11 c
12  integer ier ! output -- set =1 if error detected
13 c
14 c----------------------
15 c
16  if((ibc.lt.imin).or.(ibc.gt.imax)) then
17  ier=1
18  write(6,1001) slbl,xlbl,ibc,imin,imax
19  1001 format(' ?',a,' -- ibc',a,' = ',i9,' out of range ',
20  > i2,' to ',i2)
21  endif
22 c
23  return
24  end