V3FIT Documentation


This documentation combines end user and developer documentation into a single reference.

User manuals

These manuals cover topics for end users on how to operate V3FIT.

Model Manual.

Equilibrium manuals.

V3FIT is designed to support many different equilibrium solvers. Currently implemented are two. The VMEC solver and a Vacuum solver.

VMEC Equilibrium manuals.

Vacuum Equilibrium manuals.

SIESTA Equilibrium manuals.

Diagnostic input files.

Certain diagnostics require input files to describe the diagnostic. Below are documentation for the various files needed to define diagnostics.

V3RFUN manual.

Magnetic diagnostics require a preprocessing code V3RFUN to generate the input discription files.

LGIRD manual.

Limiter grids require a preprocessing code LGRID to generate the input discription file.

Programmer Manuals

These manuals are meant to document the various tools and structure used by V3FIT. Reading these pages is not necessary for the operation of V3FIT.

  • Build System Programming manual for the build system using CMake.
  • Doxygen Manual for the generation of documentation.
  • V3FIT Architecture Programming manual overviewing the design of v3fit.
  • V3FIT Class Anatomy Programming manual describing the structure of class objects.
  • Testing Programming manual describing the testing framework.