Data Types List
Here are the data types with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NbivariateThis modules contains routines for interpolating points inside a grid. This was originally written by S. P. Hirshman. It has been modified for thread safety converting it to be object oriented by M. Cianciosa
 NblocktridiagonalsolverSolver for block tri-diagonal matrices. [Kalyan S. Perumalla, ORNL, 2009-2011]
 Nblocktridiagonalsolver_sModule contains subroutines for solver for block tri-diagonal matrices
 Nbmw_commandline_parserDefines the base class of the type bmw_commandline_parser_class
 Nbmw_contextDefines the base class of the type bmw_context_class. This contains the state variables needed by BMW
 Nbmw_parallel_contextDefines the base class of the type bmw_parallel_context_class. This contains the state variables needed by BMW for parallel computation
 NcombinationDefines the base class of the type combination_class
 Ncommandline_parserDefines the base class of the type commandline_parser_class
 NcompressionDefines the base class of the type compression_class. This class contains the code and buffers to hold compressed and uncompressed data. 2D matrix data is compressed using a singular value decomposition. See del-Castillo-Negrete et. al. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2006.07.022
 Ndiagnostic_dotModule for opening and reading a diagnostic dot file. The file format for these files are documented in Magnetic Diagnostic Dot File
 NeceDefines the base class of the type ece_class
 NemissionDefines the base class of the type emission_class. This contains the X-Ray emission as function of temperature and energy. This needs to still be multiplied by ne^2
 NequilibriumDefines the base class of the type equilibrium_class. Equilibrium is an abstract interface to the equilibrium solver. Every method is meant to be overwritten by a subclass method with a few exceptions. For instance a vacuum equilibrium could use the default return values for equilibrium_get_ne, equilibrium_get_te and equilibrium_get_sxrem methods
 NextcurzRepresents a signal obtained by integrating around the magnetic field to get the current enclosed in the Z direction using Ampere's Law. Defines the base class of the type extcurz_class
 NfeedbackDefines the base class of the type feedback_class
 NfourierModule contains subroutines for computing FFT on parallel radial intervals. Converts quantities between real and fourier space. Note fixarray must be called once before call any of the Fourier subroutines to calculate all necessary sine and cosine factors on a fixed mesh of collocation angles
 Nguassian_processDefines the base class of the type guassian_process_class. The guassian_process contains code to compuet guassian process profiles
 Nintegration_pathModule is part of the LIBSTELL. This modules contains code to define and integrate along an arbitray path
 NintpolImplements interferometry/polarimetry diagnostic. Defines the base class of the type intpol_class
 NlimiterDefines the base class of the type limiter_class
 Nlimiter_gridDefines the base class of the type limiter_grid_class
 Nlimiter_iso_tDefines the base class of the type limiter_iso
 Nm_gridDefines the base class of the type m_grid_class. This contains the state variables to define the vacuum vector potential
 NmagneticDefines the base class of the type magnetic_class
 Nmagnetic_responseDefines the base class of the type magnetic_response_class
 NmodelDefines the base class of the type model_class. The model contains information not specific to the equilibrium
 NmseImplements motional stark effect diagnostic. Defines the base class of the type mse_class
 Npprofile_tDefines the base class of the type pprofile_class. This module contains all the code necessary to define parameterized profiles
 Nprimed_gridDefines the base class of the type primed_grid_class. This contains the state variables to define the currents and positions of the volumn integral
 Nprior_gaussianDefines the base class of the type prior_gaussian_class. This class implements priors of the type
 NprofilerDefines functions for measuring an tabulating performance of function and subroutine calls. These routines are only active when the PROFILE_ON macro is defined
 NreconstructionDefines the base class of the type reconstruction_class. This class contains the minimization algorithm
 Nsiesta_contextDefines the base class of the type siesta_context_class. This contains the state variables needed by SIESTA
 Nsiesta_equilibriumDefines the base class of the type siesta_class. This module contains all the code necessary to interface V3FIT with SIESTA
 Nsiesta_fileDefines the base class of the type siesta_file_class. This contains the output of a siesta equilibrium
 NsignalDefines the base class of the type signal_class
 Nsignal_dotDefines the base class of type signal_dot_file. This module contains common code used in parsing diagnostic dot files. The actual parsing of the diagnostic dot file is handled by ipch_dot, thscte_dot and sxrch_dot
 NsxremDefines the base class of the type sxrem_class
 Nsxrem_ratioDefines a feedback signal based on the temperature based on the ration of the soft x-ray emissivity profile. This signal feeds back the temperature profile at a specified positon
 NthomsonImplements thomson scattering diagnostic. Defines the base class of the type thomson_class
 Nunprimed_gridDefines the base class of the type unprimed_grid_class. This contains the state variables to define the currents and positions of the volumn integral
 Nv3fit_contextDefines a v3fit_context_class object to contain all the memory for running v3fit. Contains methods to write memory to disk
 Nv3fit_paramsDefines the base class of the type param_class
 Nv3rfun_contextDefines a v3rfun_context_class object to contain all the memory for running v3rfun
 Nvacuum_equilibriumDefines the base class of the type vacuum_class. This module contains all the code necessary to interface V3FIT with a vacuum equilibrium
 Nvmec_contextDefines the base class of the type vmec_context_class. This contains the state variables needed by VMEC
 Nvmec_equilibriumDefines the base class of the type vmec_class. This module contains all the code necessary to interface V3FIT with VMEC
 Cvector3dA vector
 CvertexA vertex