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model::model_class Type Reference

Base class representing a model. More...

Public Attributes

integer state_flags = model_state_all_off
 State flags indicating with parts of the model have changes.
integer ne_type = model_none_type
 Type decritption of the electron denisty. Possible values are model_none_type, model_ne_type and model_ne_te_p_type.
integer, dimension(:), pointer sxrem_type => null()
 Type decritption of the soft x-ray emissivity. Possible values are model_none_type and model_sxrem_type.
integer te_type = model_none_type
 Type decritption of the electron temperature. Possible values are model_none_type, model_te_type and model_te_ne_p_type.
integer ti_type = model_none_type
 Type decritption of the ion temperature. Possible values are model_none_type and model_ti_type.
integer ze_type = model_none_type
 Type decritption of the effective charge. Possible values are model_none_type and model_ze_type.
real(rprec) ne_unit = 1.0
 Unit scaling of the electron density.
real(rprec) ne_min = 0.0
 Minimum electron density.
real(rprec) te_min = 0.0
 Minimum electron temperature.
real(rprec) ti_min = 0.0
 Minimum ion temperature.
real(rprec) ze_min = 1.0
 Minimum effective charge.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer sxrem_min => null()
 Minimum soft x-ray emission.
real(rprec) pressure_fraction = 0.0
 Electron pressure fraction.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer coosig_wgts => null()
 Array of weights for combination signals.
type(emission_class), pointer emission => null()
 Soft X-Ray emission function.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), pointer transmission => null()
 Filter transmission functions.
type(equilibrium_class), pointer equilibrium => null()
 The equilibrium.
real(rprec) grid_start
 Grid start.
real(rprec) grid_step
 Grid stop.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer ne_grid => null()
 Girded electron density profile.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), pointer sxrem_grid => null()
 Grided electron soft x-ray profile.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer te_grid => null()
 Grided electron temperature profile.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer ti_grid => null()
 Grided ion temperature profile.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer ze_grid => null()
 Grided effective charge profile.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer sxrem_te => null()
 Soft X-ray emissivity tempurature.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer sxrem_ratio => null()
 Soft X-ray emissivity ratio.
real(rprec) resonace_range
 ECE resonance range.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer signal_factor => null()
 Model Signal factor.
real(rprec), dimension(:), pointer signal_offset => null()
 Model Signal offset.
type(path_int_class), pointer int_params => null()
 Integration parameters.

Detailed Description

Base class representing a model.

Definition at line 141 of file model.f.

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