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siesta_equilibrium::siesta_class Type Reference

Base class representing a siesta_equilibrium. More...

Public Attributes

character(len=path_length) restart_file_name
 File name of the output of siesta.
character(len=path_length) siesta_file_name
 File name of the siesta namelist inout file.
type(pprofile_class), pointer ne => null()
 pprofile_T describing a flux surface constant electron denisty profile.
type(pprofile_class), pointer te => null()
 pprofile_T describing a flux surface constant electron temperature profile.
type(pprofile_class), pointer ti => null()
 pprofile_T describing a flux surface conatsnt soft x-ray emissivity profile.
type(pprofile_pointer), dimension(:), pointer sxrem => null()
 pprofile_T describing a flux surface conatsnt soft x-ray emissivity profile.
real(rprec) pol_rad_ratio
 Ratio of the poloidal grid points to the poloidal grid points.
type(siesta_magnetic_cache), pointer magnetic_cache => null()
 Instance of a siesta_magnetic_cache object.
type(siesta_context_class), pointer context => null()
 siesta context.
real(rprec) phi_offset = 0
 Plasma phi offset.
real(rprec) z_offset = 0
 Plasma z offset.
type(vmec_class), pointer vmec => null()
 Base VMEC equilibrium.

Detailed Description

Base class representing a siesta_equilibrium.

Super Class:

Definition at line 221 of file siesta_equilibrium.f.

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