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blocktridiagonalsolver_s Module Reference

Module contains subroutines for solver for block tri-diagonal matrices. More...

Data Types

type  blacsparameters
 BLACS/PBLAS information. More...
type  blacsprocessgrid
 BLACS/PBLAS process grid information. More...
type  levelelement
 Data associated with each row at each level. More...
type  mastertoslavemapping
 Master-to-slave mapping. More...
type  pblaslevelparameters
 Level-specific PBLAS information. More...
type  pblasstats
type  pblastemparray
type  solutionelement
 Solution of selected rows of interest to this rank. More...
type  timecount
 Statistics (timing, etc.) More...


subroutine bclockinit ()
 A convenience function to be able to change clock routine(s) easily.
subroutine bsystemclock (ts)
 A convenience function to be able to change clock routine easily. More...
subroutine fl (u)
 A convenience function to be able to change or turn off easily. More...
subroutine chargememory (bytes)
 Convenience routine to track allocated memory sizes. More...
subroutine chargetime (tot, t2, t1, cnt)
 Convenience routine to accumulate timing values. More...
subroutine timecountinit (tc)
 Initialize stats.
subroutine timecountprint (tc, msg)
 Print stats.
subroutine plbinitstats ()
 Init statistics.
subroutine plbprintstats ()
 Print statistics so far.
subroutine plbinitialize
 Initialize before foward or backward starts.
subroutine plbfinalize
 Finalize after foward or backward are done.
subroutine plbforwardinitialize
 Initialize before any forward level starts.
subroutine plbforwardfinalize
 Finalize after all forward levels are done.
subroutine plbbackwardinitialize
 Initialize before any backward level starts.
subroutine plbbackwardfinalize
 Finalize after all backward levels are done.
subroutine plbforwardinitializelevel (lvl, ammaster)
 Initialize before the forward solve at a given level starts.
subroutine plbforwardfinalizelevel (lvl, ammaster)
 Finalize after the forward solve at a given level ends.
subroutine plbbackwardinitializelevel (lvl, ammaster)
 Initialize before the backward solve at a given level starts.
subroutine plbbackwardfinalizelevel (lvl, ammaster)
 Finalize after the backward solve at a given level ends.
subroutine determinemasterslaveranks ()
 Determine the ranks of master and slaves at this level.
subroutine masterbcastnextop (nextop)
 Inform the next operation to be done (calling rank is in master mode)
subroutine slavegetnextop (nextop)
 Determine the next operation to be done (calling rank is in slave mode)
subroutine slaveservice ()
 Slave's operation loop.
subroutine extractsubmatrix (bszr, bszc, pnr, pnc, pi, pj, A, nrows, ncols, subA, subnrows, subncols)
 Extracts from A the submatrix corresponding to process-grid element (pi,pj)
subroutine mastersendmatrix (A, nrows, ncols, ssubA, ssubnrows, ssubncols)
 Send the matrix by master (caller) to all slaves The submatrix belonging to the caller (master is also one of the slaves) is returned in the ssub* arguments (i.e., sent to self)
subroutine slavereceivematrix (nrows, ncols, subA, subnrows, subncols)
 Receive the fragment of matrix sent by master to slave (caller) More...
subroutine masterbcastvalue (val)
 Send the given value by master (caller) to all slaves.
subroutine slavereceivevalue (val)
 Receive a value sent by master to slave (caller)
subroutine injectsubmatrix (bszr, bszc, pnr, pnc, pi, pj, A, nrows, ncols, subA, subnrows, subncols)
 Incorporates into A the submatrix corresp. to process-grid element (pi,pj)
subroutine injectsubvector (bszr, pnr, pi, V, nrows, subV, subnrows)
 Incorporates into V the subvector corresp. to process-grid element (pi,0)
subroutine masterrecvmatrix (A, nrows, ncols, ssubA, ssubnrows, ssubncols)
 Receive the submatrices by master (caller) from all slaves The submatrix belonging to the caller (master is also one of the slaves) is given in the ssub* arguments (i.e., received from self)
subroutine slavesendmatrix (nrows, ncols, subA, subnrows, subncols)
 Send the fragment of matrix by slave (caller) to master. More...
subroutine masterrecvvector (V, nrows, ssubV, ssubnrows)
 Receive the subvector by master (caller) from all slaves in column 1 of pgrid The subvector belonging to the caller (master is also one of the slaves) is given in the ssub* arguments (i.e., received from self)
subroutine slavesendvector (nrows, subV, subnrows)
 Send the fragment of vector by slave (caller) to master Only slaves who belong to zero'th column of pgrid send to master Other slave simply do no-op for this routine. More...
subroutine plbdgemm (alpha, A, B, beta, C)
 Encapsulates BLAS' DGEMM functionality. More...
subroutine slavedgemm ()
 DGEMM support from slave.
subroutine plbdgemv (alpha, A, x, beta, y)
 Encapsulates BLAS' DGEMV functionality. More...
subroutine plbdgetrf (A, piv, info)
 Encapsulates BLAS/LAPACK's DGETRF functionality. More...
subroutine slavedgetrf ()
 DGETRF support from slave.
subroutine plbdgetrs (nrhs, A, piv, B, info)
 Encapsulates BLAS/LAPACK's DGETRS functionality. More...
subroutine slavedgetrs ()
 DGETRS support from slave.
subroutine, public initialize (inN, inM)
 To be invoked, before solve, by user. More...
subroutine, public getranks (irank, inranks)
subroutine setmatrixrow (globrow, L, D, U)
 To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix. More...
subroutine setmatrixrowl (globrow, L)
 To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix. More...
subroutine setmatrixrowd (globrow, D)
 To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix. More...
subroutine setmatrixrowu (globrow, U)
 To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix. More...
subroutine, public setmatrixrowcoll (globrow, Lj, j)
 To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix. More...
subroutine, public setmatrixrowcold (globrow, Dj, j)
 To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix. More...
subroutine, public setmatrixrowcolu (globrow, Uj, j)
 To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix. More...
subroutine, public setmatrixrhs (globrow, b)
 To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix. More...
subroutine, public getmatrixrowcoll (globrow, Lj, j)
 Can be invoked after initialize, by user, to get a copy of the matrix. More...
subroutine, public getmatrixrowcold (globrow, Dj, j)
 Can be invoked after initialize, by user, to get a copy of the matrix. More...
subroutine, public getmatrixrowcolu (globrow, Uj, j)
 Can be invoked after initialize, by user, to get a copy of the matrix. More...
subroutine, public getmatrixrhs (globrow, b)
 Can be invoked after initialize, by user, to get a copy of the RHS. More...
subroutine, public getsolutionvector (globrow, x)
 To be invoked, after solve, by user to get the solution vector of a local row. More...
subroutine setidentitytestcase
 To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to generate a test.
subroutine setidentityrhs
 To be invoked, before solve, after SetIdentityCase, by user, to generate a test.
subroutine setrandomtestcase
 To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to generate a test.
subroutine setrandomrhs (randseedoff)
 To be invoked, before solve, after SetRandomTestCase, by user, to generate a an RHS.
subroutine, public finalize (do_mpifinalize)
 To be invoked, after solve, by user. More...
logical function iseven (num)
 Is given integer even? More...
logical function isodd (num)
 Is given integer odd? More...
integer function lr2gr (locrow, level)
 Determines the global row number of a given local row number at a given level. More...
integer function gr2lr (globrow, level)
 Determines the local row number of "globrow" global row number when globrow participates at a given level; returns zero if this globrow does not operate at the given level. More...
integer function gr2rank (globrow)
 Determines the rank of the task holding the given global row (at level 1) More...
integer function lr2rank (locrow, level)
 Determines the rank of the task holding the given local row (at a given level) More...
subroutine computeforwardoddrowhats (locrow, level, startlocrow, endlocrow, bonly)
 Compute the matrix multiplications in the forward solve at some/any level The row should be odd at the level, The locrow should obey startlocrow <= locrow <= endlocrow. More...
subroutine, public forwardsolve
 BCYCLIC forward phase; to be called after Initialize.
subroutine forwardupdateb
 BCYCLIC forward phase to deal with a new b; to be called after a SetRHS that may have been invoked after a ForwardSolve, before BackwardSolve.
subroutine, public backwardsolve
 BCYCLIC backward phase; to be called after ForwardSolve.
subroutine verifysolution
 Verify the RMS error of solution after backward solve.
subroutine, public checkconditionnumber (nblkrow, bsize, anorm, rcond, info)
subroutine, public checksymmetry (asymIndx)
subroutine, public storediagonal (blkrow, colnum, buf)
subroutine writeblocks (flag)
subroutine displayblocks (flag)
subroutine, public parmatvec (invec, outvec, outveclength)
subroutine getcolsum (cs)
subroutine initscalefactors
subroutine getscalefactors (js, scalevector)
subroutine finalizescalefactors
subroutine, public applyparallelscaling (lmp, colscale)
subroutine parallelscaling (colsum)
subroutine, public findminmax_tri (lmp)
subroutine resetdiagonal (lmp, bReset)
subroutine, public refactorhessian (lmp)
subroutine computetranspose
subroutine vectorcopypar (colsum, colscale)
subroutine, public padsides (arrin, blksize, top, bot)


integer, parameter rprec = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(12, 100)
integer, parameter iprec = SELECTED_INT_KIND(8)
integer, parameter cprec = KIND((1.0_rprec, 1.0_rprec))
integer, parameter dp = rprec
integer mpi_err
type(levelelement), dimension(:,:), allocatable lelement
 Data for each row at each level on this rank The first dimension is the level number [1..L], L=#levels of forward solve The 2nd dimension is the row number [1..K+g], K=#rows at level 1 on this rank The +g is for incoming results from neighbors, 0<=g<=2.
type(levelelement), dimension(:), allocatable orig
 Initial problem specification saved for verification at end of solution The dimension is the row number [1..K], K=#rows at level 1 on this rank.
type(solutionelement), dimension(:), allocatable selement
 The solution The dimension is the global (level 1) row number [1..N].
integer rank
 This MPI task's rank.
integer nranks
 Num of MPI tasks.
integer p
 Num of "master" tasks, adjusted such that P=Min(nranks,N)
integer n
 Num of row blocks in input block tri-diag matrix.
integer m
 Size of each square sub-matrix block.
integer startglobrow
 Starting row number of this processor at first level.
integer endglobrow
 Ending row number (inclusive) at first level.
integer startrow1
 1 row less than startglobrow
integer endrow1
 1 row greater than endglobrow
integer nlevels
 Total number of levels in recursion.
logical matdirtied
 Has a new matrix been set after ForwardSolve?
logical rhsdirtied
 Has a new RHS been set after ForwardSolve?
character *100 kenvvar
character *100 kenvval
logical lbcylic_init =.FALSE.
logical lplb_init =.FALSE.
logical kpdbg
 Should debugging output be written? : SKS on Nov 9, 2011.
integer ofu
 Output file unit.
integer pfu
 Problem file unit.
logical writeproblemfile
 Should save the random test case to a file?
logical writesolution
 Should dump solution in output?
logical usebarriers
 Should barriers be invoked between levels?
real membytes
 A running count of memory allocated so far.
real dpsz
 Byte size of a double precision variable.
real intsz
 Byte size of an integer variable.
real ptrsz
 Byte size of a pointer variable.
real(dp) one
real(dp) zero
logical(dp) l_colscale =.FALSE.
 set true if column scaling is applied
logical use_mpiwtime =.FALSE.
 Use MPI's timer function?
double precision loctimer1
double precision loctimer2
 Stopwatch snapshots to use locally.
double precision mattimer1
double precision mattimer2
 Stopwatch snapshots for matrix ops.
double precision globtimer1
double precision globtimer2
 Stopwatch snapshots to use globally.
double precision timerfreq
 Timer frequency in Hz (count rate)
double precision tottime
 Total elapsed time.
integer totcount
 Total count.
double precision totcommtime
 Total communication time.
integer totcommcount
 Total communication operation count.
double precision totinvtime
 Total time to invert matrices.
integer totinvcount
 Total count of matrix inversions.
double precision totmatmultime
 Total time for matrix-matrix multiplications.
integer totmatmulcount
 Total count of matrix-matrix multiplications.
double precision totmatsoltime
 Total time for matrix-solve multiplications.
integer totmatsolcount
 Total count of matrix solutions.
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable origdiagelement
 Unmodified diagonal element : SKS.
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable topscalefac
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable botscalefac
logical doblasonly
 BLACS/PBLAS options.
logical doblacscomm
integer, parameter op_none = 0
 Master-to-slave commands.
integer, parameter op_done = 1
integer, parameter op_dgemm = 2
integer, parameter op_dgemv = 3
integer, parameter op_dgetrf = 4
integer, parameter op_dgetrs = 5
real(dp), public maxeigen_tri
 maximum eigenvalue from Gerschgorin theorem
real(dp), public dmin_tri
 minimum non-zero diagonal element, used to scale Levenberg parameter (SPH 08-31-16)

Detailed Description

Module contains subroutines for solver for block tri-diagonal matrices.

Kalyan S. Perumalla and Sudip K. Seal, ORNL

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ bsystemclock()

subroutine blocktridiagonalsolver_s::bsystemclock ( double precision, intent(inout)  ts)

A convenience function to be able to change clock routine easily.

[in,out]tsTime snapshot

Definition at line 268 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ chargememory()

subroutine blocktridiagonalsolver_s::chargememory ( real, intent(in)  bytes)

Convenience routine to track allocated memory sizes.

[in]bytesNumber of bytes allocated

Definition at line 310 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ chargetime()

subroutine blocktridiagonalsolver_s::chargetime ( double precision, intent(inout)  tot,
double precision, intent(in)  t2,
double precision, intent(in)  t1,
integer, intent(inout)  cnt 

Convenience routine to accumulate timing values.

[in,out]totTotal time
[in]t2Timer value at end of segment being timed
[in]t1Timer value at start of timed segment
[in,out]cntCounter of number of samples

Definition at line 325 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ computeforwardoddrowhats()

subroutine blocktridiagonalsolver_s::computeforwardoddrowhats ( integer, intent(in)  locrow,
integer, intent(in)  level,
integer, intent(in)  startlocrow,
integer, intent(in)  endlocrow,
logical, intent(in)  bonly 

Compute the matrix multiplications in the forward solve at some/any level The row should be odd at the level, The locrow should obey startlocrow <= locrow <= endlocrow.

[in]locrowRow number at a given level
[in]levelLocal row number is at this level
[in]startlocrowTop-most local row number at given level
[in]endlocrowBot-most local row number at given level
[in]bonlyShow compute/update only the b, and not L,D,U?

Definition at line 3393 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ finalize()

subroutine, public blocktridiagonalsolver_s::finalize ( logical, intent(in)  do_mpifinalize)

To be invoked, after solve, by user.

[in]do_mpifinalizeInvoke MPI_Finalize?

Definition at line 3129 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ fl()

subroutine blocktridiagonalsolver_s::fl ( integer, intent(in)  u)

A convenience function to be able to change or turn off easily.

[in]uUnit number to flush

Definition at line 296 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ getmatrixrhs()

subroutine, public blocktridiagonalsolver_s::getmatrixrhs ( integer, intent(in)  globrow,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(out)  b 

Can be invoked after initialize, by user, to get a copy of the RHS.

[in]globrowOriginal/global block-row num in [1..N]
[out]bRHS column corr. to globrow

Definition at line 2826 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ getmatrixrowcold()

subroutine, public blocktridiagonalsolver_s::getmatrixrowcold ( integer, intent(in)  globrow,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(out)  Dj,
integer, intent(in)  j 

Can be invoked after initialize, by user, to get a copy of the matrix.

[in]globrowOriginal/global block-row num in [1..N]
[out]djj'th colum of D at globrow
[in]jcolumn number of L at globrow that is being set

Definition at line 2730 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ getmatrixrowcoll()

subroutine, public blocktridiagonalsolver_s::getmatrixrowcoll ( integer, intent(in)  globrow,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(out)  Lj,
integer, intent(in)  j 

Can be invoked after initialize, by user, to get a copy of the matrix.

[in]globrowOriginal/global block-row num in [1..N]
[out]ljj'th colum of L at globrow; 1st L is always 0
[in]jcolumn number of L at globrow that is being set

Definition at line 2680 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ getmatrixrowcolu()

subroutine, public blocktridiagonalsolver_s::getmatrixrowcolu ( integer, intent(in)  globrow,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(out)  Uj,
integer, intent(in)  j 

Can be invoked after initialize, by user, to get a copy of the matrix.

[in]globrowOriginal/global block-row num in [1..N]
[out]ujj'th colum of L at globrow; Nth U is always 0
[in]jcolumn number of U at globrow that is being set

Definition at line 2776 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ getsolutionvector()

subroutine, public blocktridiagonalsolver_s::getsolutionvector ( integer, intent(in)  globrow,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(out)  x 

To be invoked, after solve, by user to get the solution vector of a local row.

[in]globrowOriginal/global block-row num in [1..N]
[out]xSolution column corr. to globrow

Definition at line 2867 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ gr2lr()

integer function blocktridiagonalsolver_s::gr2lr ( integer, intent(in)  globrow,
integer, intent(in)  level 

Determines the local row number of "globrow" global row number when globrow participates at a given level; returns zero if this globrow does not operate at the given level.

[in]globrowRow number in original input (level 1)
[in]levelLevel at which globrow's position is needed
Returned: local row number of global row, at given level

Definition at line 3299 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ gr2rank()

integer function blocktridiagonalsolver_s::gr2rank ( integer, intent(in)  globrow)

Determines the rank of the task holding the given global row (at level 1)

[in]globrowRow number in original input (level 1)
Returned: Rank holding the given global row

Definition at line 3333 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ initialize()

subroutine, public blocktridiagonalsolver_s::initialize ( integer, intent(in)  inN,
integer, intent(in)  inM 

To be invoked, before solve, by user.

[in]innNum of row blocks in input block tri-diag matrix
[in]inmSize of each square sub-matrix block

Definition at line 2006 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ iseven()

logical function blocktridiagonalsolver_s::iseven ( integer, intent(in)  num)

Is given integer even?

[in]numA number

Definition at line 3241 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ isodd()

logical function blocktridiagonalsolver_s::isodd ( integer, intent(in)  num)

Is given integer odd?

[in]numA number

Definition at line 3251 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ lr2gr()

integer function blocktridiagonalsolver_s::lr2gr ( integer, intent(in)  locrow,
integer, intent(in)  level 

Determines the global row number of a given local row number at a given level.

[in]locrowlocal row number of global row, at given level
[in]levelLevel at which locrow's position is given
Returned: Row number in original input (level 1)

Definition at line 3261 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ lr2rank()

integer function blocktridiagonalsolver_s::lr2rank ( integer, intent(in)  locrow,
integer, intent(in)  level 

Determines the rank of the task holding the given local row (at a given level)

[in]locrowRow number at a given level
[in]levelLocal row number is at this level
Returned: Rank holding the given global row

Definition at line 3366 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ plbdgemm()

subroutine blocktridiagonalsolver_s::plbdgemm ( real(dp), intent(in)  alpha,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  A,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  B,
real(dp), intent(in)  beta,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(inout)  C 

Encapsulates BLAS' DGEMM functionality.

[in]bEach matrix of size MxM
[in,out]cMatrix of size MxM

Definition at line 1558 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ plbdgemv()

subroutine blocktridiagonalsolver_s::plbdgemv ( real(dp), intent(in)  alpha,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  A,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in)  x,
real(dp), intent(in)  beta,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(inout)  y 

Encapsulates BLAS' DGEMV functionality.

[in]aMatrix of size MxM
[in]xVector of size Mx1
[in,out]yVector of size Mx1

Definition at line 1793 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ plbdgetrf()

subroutine blocktridiagonalsolver_s::plbdgetrf ( real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(inout)  A,
integer, dimension(:), intent(out)  piv,
integer, intent(inout)  info 

Encapsulates BLAS/LAPACK's DGETRF functionality.

[in,out]aMatrix of size MxM

Definition at line 1812 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ plbdgetrs()

subroutine blocktridiagonalsolver_s::plbdgetrs ( integer, intent(in)  nrhs,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  A,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in)  piv,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(inout)  B,
integer  info 

Encapsulates BLAS/LAPACK's DGETRS functionality.

[in]aMatrix of size MxM
[in,out]bMatrix of size Mxnrhs

Definition at line 1971 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ setmatrixrhs()

subroutine, public blocktridiagonalsolver_s::setmatrixrhs ( integer, intent(in)  globrow,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in)  b 

To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix.

[in]globrowOriginal/global block-row num in [1..N]
[in]bRHS column corr. to globrow

Definition at line 2631 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ setmatrixrow()

subroutine blocktridiagonalsolver_s::setmatrixrow ( integer, intent(in)  globrow,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  L,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  D,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  U 

To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix.

[in]globrowOriginal/global block-row num in [1..N]
[in]uVals in 1st L(or Nth U) == 0.0

Definition at line 2233 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ setmatrixrowcold()

subroutine, public blocktridiagonalsolver_s::setmatrixrowcold ( integer, intent(in)  globrow,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in)  Dj,
integer, intent(in)  j 

To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix.

[in]globrowOriginal/global block-row num in [1..N]
[in]djj'th colum of D at globrow
[in]jcolumn number of L at globrow that is being set

Definition at line 2519 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ setmatrixrowcoll()

subroutine, public blocktridiagonalsolver_s::setmatrixrowcoll ( integer, intent(in)  globrow,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in)  Lj,
integer, intent(in)  j 

To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix.

[in]globrowOriginal/global block-row num in [1..N]
[in]ljj'th colum of L at globrow; 1st L is always 0
[in]jcolumn number of L at globrow that is being set

Definition at line 2461 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ setmatrixrowcolu()

subroutine, public blocktridiagonalsolver_s::setmatrixrowcolu ( integer, intent(in)  globrow,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in)  Uj,
integer, intent(in)  j 

To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix.

[in]globrowOriginal/global block-row num in [1..N]
[in]ujj'th colum of L at globrow; Nth U is always 0
[in]jcolumn number of U at globrow that is being set

Definition at line 2573 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ setmatrixrowd()

subroutine blocktridiagonalsolver_s::setmatrixrowd ( integer, intent(in)  globrow,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  D 

To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix.

[in]globrowOriginal/global block-row num in [1..N]

Definition at line 2355 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ setmatrixrowl()

subroutine blocktridiagonalsolver_s::setmatrixrowl ( integer, intent(in)  globrow,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  L 

To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix.

[in]globrowOriginal/global block-row num in [1..N]
[in]lVals in 1st L == 0.0

Definition at line 2300 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ setmatrixrowu()

subroutine blocktridiagonalsolver_s::setmatrixrowu ( integer, intent(in)  globrow,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  U 

To be invoked, before solve, after initialize, by user, to set up the matrix.

[in]globrowOriginal/global block-row num in [1..N]
[in]uVals in Nth U == 0.0

Definition at line 2406 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ slavereceivematrix()

subroutine blocktridiagonalsolver_s::slavereceivematrix ( integer, intent(in)  nrows,
integer, intent(in)  ncols,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(out)  subA,
integer, intent(in)  subnrows,
integer, intent(in)  subncols 

Receive the fragment of matrix sent by master to slave (caller)

[in]ncolsof global matrix

Definition at line 1142 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ slavesendmatrix()

subroutine blocktridiagonalsolver_s::slavesendmatrix ( integer, intent(in)  nrows,
integer, intent(in)  ncols,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in)  subA,
integer, intent(in)  subnrows,
integer, intent(in)  subncols 

Send the fragment of matrix by slave (caller) to master.

[in]ncolsof global matrix

Definition at line 1416 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.

◆ slavesendvector()

subroutine blocktridiagonalsolver_s::slavesendvector ( integer, intent(in)  nrows,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in)  subV,
integer, intent(in)  subnrows 

Send the fragment of vector by slave (caller) to master Only slaves who belong to zero'th column of pgrid send to master Other slave simply do no-op for this routine.

[in]nrowsof global matrix

Definition at line 1525 of file blocktridiagonalsolver_s.f90.