Soft X-Ray Diagnostic Dot File


Diagnostic dot files specify geometric and auxiliary information about each diagnostic. Parsing of a diagnostic dot file begins by searching for a valid keyword. All lines before a valid keyword is reached are ignored allowing for comments and other information to be inserted in the file. Once a keyword is reached, the parsing becomes strict. The diagnostic description format is dependant on the specific keyword. All diagnostic dot files must end with an end_of_file keyword.

This document contains information about the soft x-ray chord specifications. Chords are specified in a structured text file. This file is read in by the v3fit_input::sxrch_dot_filename variable of the name list input file. Chords are specified as two verticies in either meters or radians.


sxr_chord_XYZA soft x-ray chord specified in Cartesian coordinates.
sxr_chord_RPhiDegZA soft x-ray chord specified in Cylindrical coordinates.
sxr_chord_XYZ_geoA soft x-ray chord specified in Cartesian coordinates with the geometric factor.
sxr_chord_RPhiDegZ_geoA soft x-ray chord specified in Cylindrical coordinates with the geometric factor.
sxr_chord_XYZ_xics_emissA XICS emission chord specified in Cartesian coordinates.
sxr_chord_RPhiDegZ_xics_emissA XICS emission chord specified in Cylindrical coordinates.
sxr_chord_XYZ_xics_tiA XICS electron temperature chord specified in Cartesian coordinates.
sxr_chord_RPhiDegZ_xics_tiA XICS electron temperature chord specified in Cylindrical coordinates.
sxr_new_profileMark the start of chords that begin the next profile.

Chord Specification

All soft x-ray chords are specified in the following manner.

name(STRING len:data_parameters::data_short_name_length)
x1(REAL) y1(REAL) z1(REAL)
x2(REAL) y2(REAL) z2(REAL)

Keywords that end with _geo, contain an extra geomtric factor.

name(STRING len:data_parameters::data_short_name_length)
x1(REAL) y1(REAL) z1(REAL)
x2(REAL) y2(REAL) z2(REAL)

Example File

! A soft x-ray chord specified in Cartesian coordinates.
1.0 0.0 0.0
0.5 0.0 0.0
! A soft x-ray chord specified in Cylindrical coordinates.
1.0 0.0 0.0
0.5 0.0 0.0
! All files must end with

Two Color Example File

! A soft x-ray chord specified in Cartesian coordinates.
1.0 0.0 0.0
0.5 0.0 0.0
! A soft x-ray chord specified in Cylindrical coordinates.
1.0 0.0 0.0
0.5 0.0 0.0
! All files must end with

Programmers Reference

Reference material for the coding to parse these files can be found in the signal_dot and sxrch_dot modules.