Namelist siesta_main_nli definition


This page documents the contents of a SIESTA namelist input file. SIESTA namelist variables are defined in the siesta_info common block.

Namelist Variables

Input variableDescriptionCode Reference

Control Flags

ladd_pertUse helical perturbation.siesta_namelist::ladd_pert
lresistiveUse resistive perturbation.siesta_namelist::lresistive
lrestartRestart SIESTA from pervious run.siesta_namelist::lrestart
l_tracingProduce output file for fieldline tracing.siesta_namelist::l_tracing
lcolscaleUse column scaling.shared_data::lcolscale
l_silo_outputProduce silo output.siesta_namelist::l_silo_output
l_silo3DProduce silo 3D output.siesta_namelist::l_silo3d
l_output_alliterWrite output files on all iterations instead of only iterations that lower the MHD energy and force residuals.siesta_namelist::l_output_alliter
lasymUse non stellarator symmetric terms.shared_data::lasym
l_vesselUse free-boundary grid extension to vessel wall.siesta_namelist::l_vessel
lreconAdd additional output to the restart file when used in a reconstruction context.shared_data::lrecon

Algrothim Control Variables

niterMaximum number of iterations after diagonal prec.siesta_namelist::niter
ftolMinimum force tolarance for converged solution.siesta_namelist::ftol
muparResistivity factor.hessian::mupar
levmarq_paramInital value of Levenberg-Marquardt parameter.hessian::levmarq_param
eta_factorResistivity value.siesta_namelist::eta_factor
npreconSkip diagonal preconditioner if greater than zero.siesta_namelist::nprecon
ngmres_typePreconditioner type.shared_data::ngmres_type

Island Parameters

mresM numbers of island resonances.siesta_namelist::mres
helpertSizes of the helical perturbation.siesta_namelist::helpert

Grid Sizes

nsinSize of plasma radial grid.siesta_namelist::nsin
nsin_extSize of extended radial grid.siesta_namelist::nsin_ext
mpolinNumber of poloidal modes.siesta_namelist::mpolin
ntorinNumber of toroidal modes.siesta_namelist::ntorin
nfpinNumber of field periods to use. Setting this to anything less than one will use the value form the wout file.siesta_namelist::nfpin

Output Grid Sizes

nphisNumber of cylindrical phi planes.siesta_namelist::nphis
nrsNumber of radial grid points.siesta_namelist::nrs
nzsNumber of vertical grid points.siesta_namelist::nzs
nvsNumber of flux space toroidal points.siesta_namelist::nvs
nusNumber of flux space poloidal points.siesta_namelist::nus
nssNumber of flux space radial points.siesta_namelist::nss

File Names

wout_fileFilename of the VMEC woutfile.siesta_namelist::wout_file
restart_extName of the restart file extension.siesta_namelist::restart_ext
mgrid_fileFilename of the MGRID file.siesta_namelist::mgrid_file
vessel_fileFilename of the extended surfaces.siesta_namelist::vessel_file

Test Controls


Programmers Reference

Reference material for the coding to implement this namelist is found in the siesta_namelist module.