1  subroutine zonfind(x,nx,zxget,i)
2 c
3  real x(nx),zxget
4  integer i
5 c
6 c find index i such that x(i).le.zxget.le.x(i+1)
7 c
8 c x(1...nx) is strict increasing and x(1).le.zxget.le.x(nx)
9 c (this is assumed to already have been checked -- no check here!)
10 c
11  nxm=nx-1
12  if((i.lt.1).or.(i.gt.nxm)) then
13  i1=1
14  i2=nx-1
15  go to 10
16  endif
17 c
18  if(x(i).gt.zxget) then
19 c look down
20  dx=x(i+1)-x(i)
21  if((x(i)-zxget).gt.4*dx) then
22  i1=1
23  i2=i-1
24  go to 10
25  else
26  i2=i-1
27  do ij=i2,1,-1
28  if((x(ij).le.zxget).and.(zxget.le.x(ij+1))) then
29  i=ij
30  return
31  endif
32  enddo
33  i=1
34  return
35  endif
36  else if(x(i+1).lt.zxget) then
37 c look up
38  dx=x(i+1)-x(i)
39  if((zxget-x(i+1)).gt.4*dx) then
40  i1=i+1
41  i2=nxm
42  go to 10
43  else
44  i2=i+1
45  do ij=i2,nxm
46  if((x(ij).le.zxget).and.(zxget.le.x(ij+1))) then
47  i=ij
48  return
49  endif
50  enddo
51  ij=nxm
52  return
53  endif
54  else
55 c already there...
56  return
57  endif
58 c
59 c---------------------------
60 c binary search
61 c
62  10 continue
63 c
64  if(i1.eq.i2) then
65 c found by proc. of elimination
66  i=i1
67  return
68  endif
69 c
70  ii=(i1+i2)/2
71 c
72  if(zxget.lt.x(ii)) then
73  i2=ii-1
74  else if(zxget.gt.x(ii+1)) then
75  i1=ii+1
76  else
77 c found
78  i=ii
79  return
80  endif
81 c
82  go to 10
83 c
84  end