Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
siesta_equilibrium.f File Reference

Contains module siesta_equilibrium. More...

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Data Types

type  siesta_equilibrium::siesta_magnetic_cache
 Object to cache data needed to compute magnetic signals. More...
type  siesta_equilibrium::siesta_class
 Base class representing a siesta_equilibrium. More...
interface  siesta_equilibrium::siesta_set_magnetic_cache
 Interface for the setting the siesta_magnetic_cache types using siesta_set_magnetic_cache_responce, siesta_set_magnetic_cache_point or siesta_set_magnetic_cache_calc. More...
interface  siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_ne
 Interface for the siesta density profile values. More...
interface  siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_ne
 Interface for the siesta guassian process density profile values. More...
interface  siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_te
 Interface for the siesta electron temperature profile values. More...
interface  siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_te
 Interface for the siesta guassian process electron temperature profile values. More...
interface  siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_ti
 Interface for the siesta ion temperature profile values. More...
interface  siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_ti
 Interface for the siesta guassian process ion temperature profile values. More...
interface  siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_sxrem
 Interface for the siesta soft x-ray emission profile values. More...
interface  siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_sxrem
 Interface for the siesta guassian process soft x-ray emissivity profile values. More...
interface  siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_p
 Interface for the siesta pressure profile values. More...


module  siesta_equilibrium
 Defines the base class of the type siesta_class. This module contains all the code necessary to interface V3FIT with SIESTA.


type(siesta_class) function, pointer siesta_equilibrium::siesta_construct (file_name, restart_file_name, ne, te, ti, sxrem, phi_offset, z_offset, pol_rad_ratio, iou, eq_comm, recon_comm, vmec, state_flags)
 Construct a siesta_class object. More...
subroutine siesta_equilibrium::siesta_destruct (this)
 Deconstruct a siesta_class object. More...
subroutine siesta_equilibrium::siesta_set_param (this, id, i_index, j_index, value, eq_comm, state_flags)
 Sets the value of a reconstruction equilibrium parameter. More...
subroutine siesta_equilibrium::siesta_set_magnetic_cache_responce (this, response_object)
 Set magnetic cache for plasma responce. More...
subroutine siesta_equilibrium::siesta_set_magnetic_cache_point (this, use_axi)
 Set magnetic cache initialy. More...
subroutine siesta_equilibrium::siesta_set_magnetic_cache_calc (this)
 Set magnetic cache. More...
subroutine siesta_equilibrium::siesta_set_namelist (this)
 Sets namelist variables from the solved siesta equilibrium. More...
integer function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_param_id (this, param_name)
 Get the id for a reconstruction parameter. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_param_value (this, id, i_index, j_index)
 Get the value of a reconstruction siesta parameter. More...
character(len=data_name_length) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_param_name (this, id)
 Get the name of a reconstruction siesta parameter. More...
integer function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_ne_num_hyper_param (this)
 Get the number of electron density gp kernel hyper parameters. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(:), pointer siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_ne_af (this)
 Gets the electron density profile af array. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_ne_ij (this, i, j)
 Get the electron density gp kernel value for the two indicies. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_ne_pi (this, x_cart, i)
 Get the electron density gp kernel value for the position and index. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_ne_pp (this, x_cart, y_cart)
 Get the electron density gp kernel value for the position and position. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_ne_cart (this, x_cart)
 Gets the electron density at a cartesian position. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_ne_radial (this, s)
 Gets the electron density at a s, u=0, v=0 position. More...
integer function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_te_num_hyper_param (this)
 Get the number of electron temperature gp kernel hyper parameters. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(:), pointer siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_te_af (this)
 Gets the electron temperature profile af array. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_te_ij (this, i, j)
 Get the electron temperature gp kernel value for the two indicies. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_te_pi (this, x_cart, i)
 Get the electron temperature gp kernel value for the position and index. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_te_pp (this, x_cart, y_cart)
 Get the electron temperature gp kernel value for the position and position. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_te_cart (this, x_cart)
 Gets the electron temperature at a cartesian position. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_te_radial (this, s)
 Gets the electron temperature at a s, u=0, v=0 position. More...
integer function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_ti_num_hyper_param (this)
 Get the number of ion temperature gp kernel hyper parameters. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(:), pointer siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_ti_af (this)
 Gets the ion temperature profile af array. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_ti_ij (this, i, j)
 Get the ion temperature gp kernel value for the two indicies. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_ti_pi (this, x_cart, i)
 Get the ion temperature gp kernel value for the position and index. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_ti_pp (this, x_cart, y_cart)
 Get the ion temperature gp kernel value for the position and position. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_ti_cart (this, x_cart)
 Gets the ion temperature at a cartesian position. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_ti_radial (this, s)
 Gets the ion temperature at a s, u=0, v=0 position. More...
integer function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_sxrem_num_hyper_param (this, index)
 Get the number of soft x-ray emission gp kernel hyper parameters. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(:), pointer siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_sxrem_af (this, index)
 Gets the soft x-ray emissivity profile af array. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_sxrem_ij (this, i, j, index)
 Get the soft x-ray emissivity gp kernel value for the two indicies. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_sxrem_pi (this, x_cart, i, index)
 Get the soft x-ray emissivity gp kernel value for the position and index. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_gp_sxrem_pp (this, x_cart, y_cart, index)
 Get the soft x-ray emissivity gp kernel value for the position and position. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_sxrem_cart (this, x_cart, index)
 Gets the soft x-ray emissivity at a cartesian position. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_sxrem_radial (this, s, index)
 Gets the soft x-ray emissivity at a s, u=0, v=0 position. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_p_cart (this, x_cart, normalize)
 Gets the plasma pressure at a cartesian position. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_p_radial (this, s, normalize)
 Gets the plasma pressure at a s, u=0, v=0 position. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_p_flux (this, flux, normalize)
 Gets the plasma pressure at a flux position. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(3) siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_b_vec (this, x_cart, cyl)
 Gets the magnetic field vector at a position. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_int_b_dphi (this, r, theta)
 Gets the loop integrated magnetic field at a position. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(3) siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_suv (this, x_cart)
 Gets siesta s value at position. More...
integer function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_plasma_edge (this, phi, r, z)
 Gets the r and z positions of the outer surface at a toroidal angle. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(:,:,:), pointer siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_magnetic_volume_rgrid (this)
 Get volume magnetic volume integration radial grid points. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(:,:,:), pointer siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_magnetic_volume_zgrid (this)
 Get volume magnetic volume integration z grid points. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(:,:,:), pointer siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_magnetic_volume_jrgrid (this)
 Get volume magnetic volume integration jr grid points. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(:,:,:), pointer siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_magnetic_volume_jphigrid (this)
 Get volume magnetic volume integration jphi grid points. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(:,:,:), pointer siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_magnetic_volume_jzgrid (this)
 Get volume magnetic volume integration jz grid points. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_volume_int_element (this)
 Get volume integration element. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(:,:), pointer siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_con_surface_krgrid (this)
 Get the conducting surface integration kr grid points. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(:,:), pointer siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_con_surface_kphigrid (this)
 Get the conducting surface integration kphi grid points. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(:,:), pointer siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_con_surface_kzgrid (this)
 Get the conducting surface integration kz grid points. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_area_int_element (this)
 Get area integration element. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(:), pointer siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_ext_currents (this, num_currents, scale_currents)
 Get external current. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(3) siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_ext_b_plasma (this, position, axi_only)
 Get external plasma magnetic field. More...
real(rprec) function, dimension(3) siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_int_b_plasma (this, flux)
 Get internal plasma magnetic field. More...
integer function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_grid_size (this)
 Get radial grid size. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_grid_start (this)
 Get start of the radial grid. More...
real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_get_grid_stop (this)
 Get radial grid size. More...
logical function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_is_scaler_value (this, id)
 Checks if a parameter id is a scaler value. More...
logical function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_is_1d_array (this, id)
 Checks if a parameter id is a 1d array. More...
logical function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_is_2d_array (this, id)
 Checks if a parameter id is a 2d array. More...
logical function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_is_recon_param (this, id)
 Checks if a parameter id is a reconstruction parameter. More...
logical function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_is_using_point (this)
 Checks if a the point magnetics are being used. More...
logical function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_converge (this, num_iter, iou, eq_comm, state_flags)
 Solves the siesta equilibrium. More...
subroutine siesta_equilibrium::siesta_read_vac_file (this, index, eq_comm)
 Loads the vacuum magnetic field file. More...
subroutine siesta_equilibrium::siesta_save_state (this)
 Save the internal state of the equilibrium. More...
subroutine siesta_equilibrium::siesta_reset_state (this)
 Reset the internal state of the equilibrium. More...
subroutine siesta_equilibrium::siesta_write (this, iou)
 Write out the equilibrium to an output file. More...
subroutine siesta_equilibrium::siesta_write_input (this, current_step)
 Write the current valid input. More...
subroutine siesta_equilibrium::siesta_def_result (this, result_ncid, maxnsetps_dim_id)
 Define NetCDF variables for the result file. More...
subroutine siesta_equilibrium::siesta_write_init_data (this, result_ncid)
 Write inital data to NetCDF result file. More...
subroutine siesta_equilibrium::siesta_write_step_data (this, result_ncid, current_step)
 Write step data to NetCDF result file. More...
subroutine siesta_equilibrium::siesta_restart (this, result_ncid, current_step)
 Restart from a result file. More...
subroutine siesta_equilibrium::siesta_sync_state (this, recon_comm)
 Syncronize the siesta state to children. More...
subroutine siesta_equilibrium::siesta_sync_child (this, index, recon_comm)
 Syncronize a child siesta state to the parent. More...
pure real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_to_vmec_s (s)
 Map the siesta s to the vmec s. More...
pure real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_to_siesta_s (s)
 Map the vmec s to the siesta s. More...
pure real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_to_i_vmec (s)
 Find the vmec s index. More...
pure integer function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_to_i_vmec_low (s)
 Find the lower vmec s index. More...
pure real(rprec) function siesta_equilibrium::siesta_to_w_vmec_low (s, ilow)
 Find the lower interplation weighting. More...


integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_pp_ne_b_id = 59
 1D Array of function density profile parameters. Defined in pprofile_T.
integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_pp_ne_as_id = 60
 1D Array of segment density profile s poitions. Defined in pprofile_T.
integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_pp_ne_af_id = 61
 1D Array of segment density profile f values. Defined in pprofile_T.
integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_pp_sxrem_b_id = 62
 1D Array of function sxrem profile parameters. Defined in pprofile_T.
integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_pp_sxrem_as_id = 63
 1D Array of segment sxrem profile s poitions. Defined in pprofile_T.
integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_pp_sxrem_af_id = 64
 1D Array of segment sxrem profile f values. Defined in pprofile_T.
integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_pp_te_b_id = 65
 1D Array of function electron temperature profile parameters. Defined in pprofile_T.
integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_pp_te_as_id = 66
 1D Array of segment electron temperature profile s poitions. Defined in pprofile_T.
integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_pp_te_af_id = 67
 1D Array of segment electron temperature profile f values. Defined in pprofile_T.
integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_pp_ti_b_id = 68
 1D Array of function ion temperature profile parameters. Defined in pprofile_T.
integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_pp_ti_as_id = 69
 1D Array of segment ion temperature profile s poitions. Defined in pprofile_T.
integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_pp_ti_af_id = 70
 1D Array of segment ion temperature profile f values. Defined in pprofile_T.
integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_pp_ze_b_id = 71
 1D Array of function zeff profile parameters. Defined in pprofile_T.
integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_pp_ze_as_id = 72
 1D Array of segment zeff profile s poitions. Defined in pprofile_T.
integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_pp_ze_af_id = 73
 1D Array of segment zeff profile f values. Defined in pprofile_T.
integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_phi_offset_id = 83
 Plasma Phi offset. This is a parameter to allow changing the phi angle of a quasi helical state in an RFP. Defined in vmec_equilibrium.
integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_z_offset_id = 84
 Plasma z offset. This is a parameter to allow changing the vertical shift of the plasma.
integer, parameter siesta_equilibrium::siesta_helpert_id = 85
 Helical perturbation parameter.

Detailed Description

Contains module siesta_equilibrium.

Definition in file siesta_equilibrium.f.