Functions/Subroutines | Variables
restart_mod Module Reference

Contains routines for writting the restart file. More...


integer function restart_read (restart_ext, wout_file, mpolin, ntorin, nfpi
 Reads the restart file. More...
subroutine restart_write (restart_ext, wout_file)
 Write the restart file. More...
subroutine interpit (aold, anew, ns_old, ns_new, mpol_old, mpol_new, ntor_old, ntor_new, nfp_old, nfp_new, lhalf)
 Interpolate fourier quantites from the restart file. More...
subroutine restart_denormalize (xmn, factor)
 Denormalize a quantity so the value written to the restart file can be summed directly. More...


integer, parameter restart_version = 0
 Version number.
integer, parameter restart_lasym = 31
 Bit position for the lasym flag.
integer, parameter restart_lrecon = 30
 Bit position for the lrecon flag.
character(len= *), dimension(1), parameter radial_dim = (/ 'radius' /)
 Radial Dimension names.
character(len= *), dimension(3), parameter restart_dims = (/ 'm-mode', 'n-mode', radial_dim(1) /)
 Fourier Dimension names.
character(len= *), parameter vn_nsin = 'nrad'
 Name for the restart file number of radial points.
character(len= *), parameter vn_mpolin = 'mpol'
 Name for the restart file number of poloidal modes.
character(len= *), parameter vn_ntorin = 'ntor'
 Name for the restart file number of toroidal modes.
character(len= *), parameter vn_nfpin = 'nfp'
 Name for the restart file number of field periods.
character(len= *), parameter vn_wout = 'wout_file'
 Name for the restart file number of wout file modes.
character(len= *), parameter vn_flags = 'state_flags'
 Name for the restart file number of state flags modes.
character(len= *), parameter vn_jbsupss = 'JBsupssh(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file jbsupss.
character(len= *), parameter vn_jbsupuc = 'JBsupuch(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file jbsupuc.
character(len= *), parameter vn_jbsupvc = 'JBsupvch(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file jbsupvc.
character(len= *), parameter vn_jbsupsc = 'JBsupsch(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file jbsupsc.
character(len= *), parameter vn_jbsupus = 'JBsupush(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file jbsupus.
character(len= *), parameter vn_jbsupvs = 'JBsupvsh(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file jbsupus.
character(len= *), parameter vn_jpresc = 'jpresch(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file jpresc.
character(len= *), parameter vn_jpress = 'jpressh(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file jpress.
character(len= *), parameter vn_rmnc = 'rmnc(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file rmnc.
character(len= *), parameter vn_rmns = 'rmns(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file rmns.
character(len= *), parameter vn_zmnc = 'zmnc(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file zmnc.
character(len= *), parameter vn_zmns = 'zmns(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file zmns.
character(len= *), parameter vn_chipf = 'chipf(r)'
 Name for the restart file chipf.
character(len= *), parameter vn_phipf = 'phipf(r)'
 Name for the restart file phipf.
character(len= *), parameter vn_bsupsmns = 'bsupsmnsh(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file bsupsmns.
character(len= *), parameter vn_bsupsmnc = 'bsupsmnch(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file bsupsmnc.
character(len= *), parameter vn_bsupumns = 'bsupumnsh(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file bsupumns.
character(len= *), parameter vn_bsupumnc = 'bsupumnch(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file bsupumnc.
character(len= *), parameter vn_bsupvmns = 'bsupvmnsh(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file bsupvmns.
character(len= *), parameter vn_bsupvmnc = 'bsupvmnch(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file bsupvmnc.
character(len= *), parameter vn_bsubsmns = 'bsubsmnsh(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file bsubsmns.
character(len= *), parameter vn_bsubsmnc = 'bsubsmnch(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file bsubsmnc.
character(len= *), parameter vn_bsubumns = 'bsubumnsh(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file bsubumns.
character(len= *), parameter vn_bsubumnc = 'bsubumnch(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file bsubumnc.
character(len= *), parameter vn_bsubvmns = 'bsubvmnsh(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file bsubvmns.
character(len= *), parameter vn_bsubvmnc = 'bsubvmnch(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file bsubvmnc.
character(len= *), parameter vn_pmns = 'pmnsh(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file pmns.
character(len= *), parameter vn_pmnc = 'pmnch(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file pmnc.
character(len= *), parameter vn_jksupsmns = 'jksupsmnsf(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file jksupsmns.
character(len= *), parameter vn_jksupsmnc = 'jksupsmncf(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file jksupsmnc.
character(len= *), parameter vn_jksupumns = 'jksupumnsf(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file jksupumns.
character(len= *), parameter vn_jksupumnc = 'jksupumncf(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file jksupumnc.
character(len= *), parameter vn_jksupvmns = 'jksupvmnsf(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file jksupvmns.
character(len= *), parameter vn_jksupvmnc = 'jksupvmncf(m,n,r)'
 Name for the restart file jksupvmnc.
character(len= *), parameter vn_p_factor = 'p_factor'
 Name for the restart file p_factor.
character(len= *), parameter vn_b_factor = 'b_factor'
 Name for the restart file b_factor.
character(len= *), parameter vn_wb = 'wb'
 Name for the restart file wb.
character(len= *), parameter vn_wp = 'wp'
 Name for the restart file wb.
character(len= *), parameter vn_rmajor = 'rmajor'
 Name for the restart file rmajor.
character(len= *), parameter vn_curtor = 'curtor'
 Name for the restart file total toroidal current.
character(len= *), parameter vn_p_max = 'p_max'
 Name for the restart file p_max.
character(len= *), parameter vn_p_min = 'p_min'
 Name for the restart file p_min.

Detailed Description

Contains routines for writting the restart file.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ interpit()

subroutine restart_mod::interpit ( real (dp), dimension(0:mpol_old,-ntor_old:ntor_old,ns_ol real (dp), intent(out) :: anew(0:mpol_new,-ntor_new:ntor_new,ns_ne integer, intent(in) :: ns_old integer, intent(in) :: ns_new integer, intent(in) :: mpol_old integer, intent(in) :: mpol_new integer, intent(in) :: ntor_old integer, intent(in) :: ntor_new integer, intent(in) :: nfp_old integer, intent(in) :: nfp_new logical, intent(in) :: lhalf ! local variables integer :: real_ntor_min integer :: i_n integer :: i_m real (dp) :: ds integer :: parity integer :: mpol_min integer :: ntor_min ! start of executable code mpol_min = min(mpol_new, mpol_old) real_ntor_min = min(ntor_new*nfp_new, ntor_old*nfp_old) ! if the fourier dimensions of the both arrays are the same just copy them. ! otherwise copy only the matcing modes. if (ns_old .eq. ns_new .and. mpol_old .eq. mpol_new .and. ntor_old .eq. ntor_new .and. nfp_old .eq. nfp_new) then anew = aold else ! only some of the toroidal modes will match if nfp_new and nfp_old are ! different. do i_n = -real_ntor_min, real_ntor_min if (i_n/nfp_new .eq. i_n/nfp_old) then do i_m = 0, mpol_min if (mod(i_m, 2) .eq. 0) then parity = -1 else parity = 1 end if call interpit_1d(aold(i_m, i_n, :), anew(i_m, i_n, :), ns_old, ns_new, lhalf, parity) end do else anew(:, i_n, :) = 0 end if end do end if end subroutine !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief interpolate radial quantites from the restart file. !> !> restart files can change the number of surfaces. !> !> @param[in] aold value from the restart file. !> @param[out] anew new interpolated value. !> @param[in] ns_old radial grid size in the restart file. !> @param[in] ns_new new radial grid size. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine interpit_1d(aold, anew, ns_old, ns_new, lhalf, parity) use stel_constants, only: one, zero implicit none ! declare arguments real (dp), intent(in) :: aold(ns_old) real (dp), intent(out) :: anew(ns_new) integer, intent(in) :: ns_old integer, intent(in) :: ns_new logical, intent(in) :: lhalf integer, intent(in) :: parity ! local variables real (dp), allocatable, dimension(:) :: temp_y real (dp), allocatable, dimension(:) :: temp_x real (dp), allocatable, dimension(:) :: temp_new real (dp), allocatable, dimension(:) :: temp real (dp) :: ds integer :: i_s ! local parameters real (dp), parameter :: lower_b = -1.e30_dp real (dp), parameter :: upper_b = -1.e30_dp ! start of executable code anew = 0 if (ns_old .eq. ns_new) then anew = aold return end if ! need to radially interpolate. extend the arrays from -ns to ns to get the ! correct behavior at s=0. ds = 1.0/(ns_old - 1) if (lhalf) then allocate(temp_y(2*(ns_old - 1))), intent(in)  aold,

Interpolate fourier quantites from the restart file.

Restart files can change the number of surfaces and modes.

[in]aoldValue from the restart file.
[out]anewNew interpolated value.
[in]ns_oldRadial grid size in the restart file.
[in]ns_newNew radial grid size.
[in]mpol_oldNumber of poloidal modes in the restart file.
[in]mpol_newNew number of poloidal modes.
[in]ntor_oldNumber of totoidal modes in the restart file.
[in]ntor_newNew number of totoidal modes.
[in]nfp_oldNumber of field periods in the restart file.
[in]nfp_newNew number of field periods.

Definition at line 724 of file restart_mod.f90.

◆ restart_denormalize()

subroutine restart_mod::restart_denormalize ( real (dp), dimension(:,:,:)  xmn,
real (dp)  factor 

Denormalize a quantity so the value written to the restart file can be summed directly.

This removes the orthonorm and energy scale factors for a fourier quantity.

[in,out]xmnFourier quantity to denormalize.
[in]factorEnergy scale factor.

Definition at line 784 of file restart_mod.f90.

◆ restart_read()

integer function restart_mod::restart_read ( character (len=*), intent(in)  restart_ext,
character (len=*), intent(inout)  wout_file,
integer, intent(in)  mpolin,
integer, intent(in)  ntorin,

Reads the restart file.

Reads the restart information and initalizes SIESTA quantities.

[in]restart_extRestart extention.
[in,out]wout_fileName of the wout file.
[in]mpolinNamelist number of polodal modes.
[in]ntorinNamelist number of toroidal modes.
[in]nsinNamelist number of radial grid points.
[in]nfpinNamelist number of field periods.
Preconditioner control flag.

Definition at line 164 of file restart_mod.f90.

◆ restart_write()

subroutine restart_mod::restart_write ( character (len=*), intent(in)  restart_ext,
character (len=*), intent(in)  wout_file 

Write the restart file.

Writes the restart information.

[in]restart_extRestart file extension.
[in]wout_fileName of the wout file.

Definition at line 363 of file restart_mod.f90.