Base class representing a v3rfun context. This contains all memory needed to operate v3rfun.
character(len= *), parameter code_name
Name of this code.
subroutine v3rfun_context_destruct(this)
Deconstruct a v3rfun_context_class object.
subroutine v3rfun_context_write_mrf(this, d_coil, id_num)
Write out a magnetic coil response function.
subroutine v3rfun_context_write_point(this, d_coil, id_num)
Write out a point probe response.
Defines a v3rfun_context_class object to contain all the memory for running v3rfun.
type(v3rfun_context_class) function, pointer v3rfun_context_construct(filename)
Construct a v3rfun_context_class object.