1  subroutine mkherm1(fun,x,nx,fherm)
2 C
3 C create a data set for Hermite interpolation, from evaluation of
4 C function and derivatives. function of 1 indep. coordinate.
5 C
6 C input:
7 C
8  external fun ! passed real function(x,dfdx)
9  real x(nx) ! x coordinate array
10 C
11 C the passed function fun must have the interface:
12 C
13 C real function <name>(x,dfdx)
14 C where x is input, the function returns the function value and the
15 C argument dfdx returns as output the function derivative at x.
16 C
17 C output:
18 C
19  real fherm(0:1,nx) ! function data & derivative
20 C
21 C fherm(0,j) = function value f at x(j)
22 C fherm(1,j) = derivative df/dx at x(j)
23 C
24 C----------------------------
25 C
26  do ix=1,nx
27  fherm(0,ix)=fun(x(ix),dfdx)
28  fherm(1,ix)=dfdx
29  enddo
30 C
31  return
32  end