Go to the documentation of this file.
39 use,
INTRINSIC :: iso_fortran_env, only : output_unit
46 TYPE (bmw_parallel_context_class),
POINTER :: parallel => null()
54 REAL (rprec) :: start_time
60 CALL profiler_construct
62 start_time = profiler_get_start_time()
64 parallel => bmw_parallel_context_construct(
75 WRITE (*,1001)
80 WRITE (*,1001)
85 WRITE (*,1001)
89 CALL bmw_parallel_context_set_threads(parallel,
113 io_unit = output_unit
115 CALL safe_open(io_unit, status,
117 &
'formatted', delim_in=
120 IF (parallel%offset .eq. 0)
122 WRITE (io_unit,1000)
125 CALL bmw_parallel_context_report(parallel, io_unit)
131 & flags, num_p, parallel, io_unit)
143 CALL profiler_set_stop_time(
'bmw_main', start_time)
144 IF (parallel%offset .eq. 0)
145 CALL profiler_write(io_unit)
147 CALL profiler_destruct
151 CALL bmw_parallel_context_destruct(parallel
152 #if defined (MPI_OPT)
157 1000
'BMW ',i4,
' Series.')
158 1001
'Required flag ',a,
' not set.')
type(bmw_commandline_parser_class) function, pointer bmw_commandline_parser_construct(parallel)
Construct a bmw_commandline_parser_class object.
subroutine bmw_context_write(this, result_file_name, parallel)
Write NetCDF based result file.
integer, parameter bmw_state_flags_jv
Bit position for the use curl jv response flag.
subroutine bmw_context_destruct(this)
Deconstruct a bmw_context_class object.
Contains parameters defining the bit positions for flags that mark different options.
integer, parameter series
Version number.
character(len=path_length) function bmw_commandline_parser_get_string(this, arg)
Get the value of an argument as a string.
program bmw
BMW is a code for extending fields belond the VMEC domain in a manner that ensures divergence free fi...
logical function bmw_commandline_parser_is_flag_set(this, arg)
Check if a command line argument was set.
Defines the base class of the type bmw_commandline_parser_class.
integer, parameter bmw_state_flags_force
Bit position for force override of errors flag.
subroutine bmw_commandline_parser_destruct(this)
Deconstruct a bmw_commandline_parser_class object.
Base class containing a parsed bmw_commandline.
integer, parameter bmw_state_flags_off
Clear all flags.
integer, parameter bmw_state_flags_ju
Bit position for the use curl ju response flag.
Defines the base class of the type bmw_context_class. This contains the state variables needed by BMW...
Base class representing a bmw context. This contains all memory needed to operate bmw.
integer, parameter bmw_state_flags_mgrid
Bit position for mgrid specified number of phi planes.
type(bmw_context_class) function, pointer bmw_context_construct(mgrid_file_name, wout_file_name, siesta_file_name, flags, num_p, parallel, io_unit)
Construct a bmw_context_class object.
subroutine bmw_commandline_parser_print_help
Print out help text.
integer function bmw_commandline_parser_get_integer(this, arg, default_value)
Get the value of an argument as an integer.
integer, parameter bmw_state_flags_siesta
Bit position for the use siesta instead of vmec.
Interface to set the unprimed grid.