Go to the documentation of this file.
106 USE hessian,
ONLY: levmarq_param, mupar
mres = 0
189 CHARACTER(LEN=siesta_namelist_name_length) ::
wout_file =
193 CHARACTER(LEN=siesta_namelist_name_length) ::
mgrid_file =
198 NAMELIST/siesta_info/
232 USE hessian,
ONLY: levmarq_param, mupar, levmarq_param0, mupar0
237 CHARACTER (len=*),
INTENT(in) :: namelist_file
244 levmarq_param = 1.e-3_dp
255 CALL safe_open(iou_mnli, status, trim(namelist_file),
257 CALL assert_eq(0, status,
'siesta_namelist_read' //
258 ': Safe_open of ' // trim(namelist_file) //
' failed')
261 READ (iou_mnli, nml=siesta_info)
262 CLOSE (iou_mnli, iostat=status)
263 CALL assert_eq(0, status,
'siesta_namelist_read' //
264 ': Error closing ' // trim(namelist_file) //
' failed')
266 levmarq_param0 = levmarq_param
285 CHARACTER (len=*),
INTENT(in) :: namelist_file
295 CALL safe_open(iou_mnli, status, trim(namelist_file),
296 &
'formatted', delim_in=
297 CALL assert_eq(0, status,
'siesta_namelist_write' //
298 &
': Safe_open of ' // trim(namelist_file) //
' failed')
301 WRITE (iou_mnli, nml=siesta_info)
302 CLOSE (iou_mnli, iostat=status)
303 CALL assert_eq(0, status,
'siesta_namelist_read' //
304 &
': Error closing ' // trim(namelist_file) //
' failed')
logical lrestart
Restart SIESTA from pervious run.
integer, dimension(20) mres
Sizes of the helical perturbation.
integer mpolin
Number of poloidal modes.
integer iortho
Orthogonalization in GMRES.
logical l_vessel
If extended grid is to be used using an available vessel file.
real(dp), dimension(20) helperta
Sizes of the helical perturbation.
integer nrs
Number of radial grid points.
character(len=siesta_namelist_name_length) vessel_file
Name of the restart file extension.
integer ngmres_type
GMRES control flag.
logical l_tracing
Produce output file for fieldline tracing.
integer nzs
Number of vertical grid points.
integer niter
Maximum number of iterations after diagonal prec.
integer nfpin
Number of field periods to use. -1 means set this to the value in the wout file.
integer ntorin
Number of toroidal modes.
character(len=siesta_namelist_name_length) mgrid_file
Filename of the VMEC woutfile.
logical lrecon
Output extra information to the restart file that will be used by V3FIT.
subroutine siesta_namelist_read(namelist_file)
Reads the namelist input file.
character(len=siesta_namelist_name_length) restart_ext
Name of the restart file extension.
integer nphis
Number of cylindrical phi planes.
integer nvs
Number of flux space toroidal points.
real(dp) eta_factor
Resistivity value.
logical l_silo_output
Produce silo output.
integer nss
Number of flux space radial points.
character(len=siesta_namelist_name_length) wout_file
Filename of the VMEC woutfile.
logical lcolscale
Apply column scaling to hessian.
subroutine siesta_namelist_write(namelist_file)
Writes the namelist input file.
integer, parameter siesta_namelist_name_length
Input string length.
integer nus
Number of flux space poloidal points.
logical lasym
Use non-stellarator symmetry.
real(dp) ftol
Force tolarance.
integer nsin
Radial size of the plasma grid.
logical l_vmec_uniform
FIXME: Unknown.
logical lresistive
Use resistive perturbaton.
real(dp), dimension(20) helpert
Sizes of the helical perturbation.
logical l_silo3d
Produce silo 3D output.
This file contains all the variables and maximum sizes of the inputs for a SIESTA namelist input file...
real(dp) mupar_test
This file contains variables and parameters used by many modules in SIESTA.
integer nprecon
Skip diagonal preconditioner if greater than zero.
integer nsin_ext
Radial size of the extended grid.
integer hesspass_test
Dump block and data files for testing.
logical ladd_pert
Use helical perturbation.
logical l_output_alliter
Write output files on all iterations.