Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
integration_path.f File Reference

Contains module integration_path. More...

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Data Types

type  integration_path::path_int_class
 Class containing the parameters of the integration method to use. More...
type  integration_path::vertex
 A single point in space defined by an z, y, z coordinate. A vertex is structured as a singly linked list. More...
interface  integration_path::path_construct
 Construction interface using either path_construct_int or path_construct_vertex. More...
interface  integration_path::path_destruct
 Destruct interface using either path_destruct_int or path_destruct_vertex. More...
interface  integration_path::check
 Interface for checking the results of the unit tests. More...


module  integration_path
 Module is part of the LIBSTELL. This modules contains code to define and integrate along an arbitray path.


type(path_int_class) function, pointer integration_path::path_construct_int (method, npoints, length)
 Construct a single path_int_class. More...
type(vertex) function, pointer integration_path::path_construct_vertex (position)
 Construct a single vertex. More...
subroutine integration_path::path_destruct_int (this)
 Deconstruct a path_int_class object. More...
recursive subroutine integration_path::path_destruct_vertex (this)
 Deconstruct a vertex object. More...
recursive subroutine integration_path::path_append_vertex (this, position)
 Append a vertex to a path. More...
recursive real(rprec) function integration_path::path_integrate (this, path, integration_function, context)
 Integrate along the path. More...
recursive real(rprec) function, dimension(3) integration_path::path_search (path, search_function, context, found)
 Search along the path. More...
real(rprec) function, private integration_path::integrate (this, context, vertex1, vertex2, integration_function)
 Line integrate between to points. More...
real(rprec) function, private integration_path::integrate_add (this, context, vertex1, vertex2, integration_function)
 Line integrate between to points. More...
real(rprec) function, private integration_path::integrate_gleg (this, context, vertex1, vertex2, integration_function)
 Integrate between to points using Guass-Legendre quadrature. More...
real(rprec) function, private integration_path::integrate_hp_gleg (this, context, vertex1, vertex2, integration_function)
 Integrate between to points using hp Guass-Legendre quadrature method. More...
logical function, private integration_path::search (context, vertex1, vertex2, search_function, xcart)
 Search line between to points. More...
subroutine integration_path::path_get_gaussqad_weights (a, b, abscissas, weights)
 @breif Calculate the weights and abscissas for Gauss-Legendre integration. More...
logical function integration_path::path_test ()
 Path unit test function. More...
logical function, private integration_path::check_log (expected, received, testNum, name)
 Check a logical value. More...
logical function, private integration_path::check_real (expected, received, testNum, name)
 Check a real value. More...
logical function, private integration_path::check_int (expected, received, testNum, name)
 Check an integer value. More...
real(rprec) function, private integration_path::test_function (context, xcart, dxcart, length, dx)
 Call back function to test the integration. More...


integer, parameter integration_path::path_none_type = -1
 No qaudrature type.
integer, parameter integration_path::path_add_type = 0
 Integrate the length in addition.
integer, parameter integration_path::path_gleg_type = 1
 Integrate the path using Gauss Legendre Quadrature.
integer, parameter integration_path::path_hp_glep_type = 2
 Integrate the path using a hp approch.
real(rprec), parameter integration_path::path_default_dx = 0.0025
 Default step size of the integration.

Detailed Description

Contains module integration_path.

Definition in file integration_path.f.