fth_3V Function

private function fth_3V(Vth, V)

This function returns , where is the temperature of the thermal electrons, and is the speed of the sampled electron.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: Vth

Thermal velocity of the background electrons .

real(kind=rp), intent(in), DIMENSION(3):: V

Velocity of the sampled electron .

Return Value real(kind=rp)

Value of .

Called by

proc~~fth_3v~~CalledByGraph proc~fth_3v fth_3V proc~thermal_distribution thermal_distribution proc~thermal_distribution->proc~fth_3v


Source Code

Source Code

  FUNCTION fth_3V(Vth,V)
    !! @note Function used to sample the probability density function of a 
    !! thermal plasma in the 3-dimensional velocity space. @endnote
    !! This function returns \(f_{T_e}(v) = \exp{\left( v^2/2v_{T_e}^2 \right)}\), 
    !! where \(v_{T_e} = \sqrt{T_e/m_e}\) is
    !! the temperature of the thermal electrons, and \(v = |\mathbf{v}|\) 
    !! is the speed of the sampled electron.
    REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN) 	:: V
    !! Velocity of the sampled electron \(\mathbf{v}\).
    REAL(rp), INTENT(IN) 			:: Vth
    !! Thermal velocity of the background electrons \(v_{T_e}\).
    REAL(rp) 				:: fth_3V
    !! Value of \(f_{T_e}(v)\).

    fth_3V = EXP(-0.5_rp*DOT_PRODUCT(V,V)/Vth**2.0_rp)