thermal_distribution Subroutine

public subroutine thermal_distribution(params, spp)

This subroutine uses the Inverse Transform Sampling Method along with the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to generate an initial condition of the velocity distribution that follows a 3-dimensional (in velocity space) thermal distribution.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(KORC_PARAMS), intent(in) :: params

Core KORC simulation parameters.

type(SPECIES), intent(inout) :: spp

An instance of the derived type SPECIES containing all the parameters and simulation variables of the different species in the simulation.


proc~~thermal_distribution~~CallsGraph proc~thermal_distribution thermal_distribution proc~random_norm random_norm proc~thermal_distribution->proc~random_norm proc~fth_3v fth_3V proc~thermal_distribution->proc~fth_3v


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine thermal_distribution(params,spp)
    !! @note Subroutine that samples a thermal distribution function
    !! of electrons for generating the initial condition of a set of
    !! simulated particles. @endnote
    !! This subroutine uses the Inverse Transform Sampling Method along
    !! with the  Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to generate an
    !! initial condition of the velocity distribution that follows a
    !! 3-dimensional (in velocity space) thermal distribution.
    !! @todo Check that the gyro-distribution is initialized right in
    !! this function.
    TYPE(KORC_PARAMS), INTENT(IN) 	:: params
    !! Core KORC simulation parameters.
    !! An instance of the derived type SPECIES containing all the
    !! parameters and simulation variables of the different species
    !! in the simulation.
    REAL(rp) 				:: Vmax
    !! Velocity cutoff where we stop sampling the tail of the thermal
    !! distribution.
    REAL(rp) 				:: vsq
    REAL(rp) 				:: Vth
    !! Thermal velocity of the sampled distribution \(v_{T_e} =
    !! \sqrt{T_e/m_e}\).
    REAL(rp) 				:: sv
    !! Step to sample the velocity space using the Metropolis-Hastings
    !! algorithm.
    REAL(rp) 				:: ratio
    !! Ratio used to accept or reject a sampling in the Metropolis-Hastings
    !! algorithm.
    REAL(rp) 				:: rand_unif
    !! Uniform random deviate in the interval  \([0,1]\).
    REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) 		:: V
    !! Sampled velocity.
    REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) 		:: U
    !! Sampled velocity.
    REAL(rp), DIMENSION(3) 		:: b = (/1.0_rp,0.0_rp,0.0_rp/)
    !! Temporary variable representing a unit vector along the \(x\)-axis.
    INTEGER 				:: ii
    !! Iterator.
    INTEGER 				:: ppp
    !! Number of particles per species.
    Vmax = 0.9_rp
    Vth = SQRT(spp%Eo*ABS(spp%q)/spp%m)
    ppp = spp%ppp

    V = (/0.0_rp,0.0_rp,0.0_rp/)
    sv = Vth/10.0_rp

    do while (ii .LE. 1000_idef)
       U(1) = V(1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv)
       do while (ABS(U(1)) .GT. Vmax)
          U(1) = V(1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv)
       end do

       U(2) = V(2) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv)
       do while (ABS(U(2)) .GT. Vmax)
          U(2) = V(2) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv)
       end do

       U(3) = V(3) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv)
       do while (ABS(U(3)) .GT. Vmax)
          U(3) = V(3) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv)
       end do

       ratio = fth_3V(Vth,U)/fth_3V(Vth,V)

       if (ratio .GE. 1.0_rp) then
          V = U
          ii = ii + 1_idef
          call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif)
          if (ratio .GT. rand_unif) then
             V = U
             ii = ii + 1_idef
          end if
       end if
    end do

    spp%vars%V(1,1) = V(1)
    spp%vars%V(1,2) = V(2)
    spp%vars%V(1,3) = V(3)
    do while (ii .LE. ppp)
       U(1) = spp%vars%V(ii-1,1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv)
       do while (ABS(U(1)) .GT. Vmax)
          U(1) = spp%vars%V(ii-1,1) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv)
       end do
       U(2) = spp%vars%V(ii-1,2) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv)
       do while (ABS(U(2)) .GT. Vmax)
          U(2) = spp%vars%V(ii-1,2) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv)
       end do
       U(3) = spp%vars%V(ii-1,3) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv)
       do while (ABS(U(3)) .GT. Vmax)
          U(3) = spp%vars%V(ii-1,3) + random_norm(0.0_rp,sv)
       end do

       ratio = fth_3V(Vth,U)/fth_3V(Vth,spp%vars%V(ii-1,:))

       if (ratio .GE. 1.0_rp) then
          spp%vars%V(ii,1) = U(1)
          spp%vars%V(ii,2) = U(2)
          spp%vars%V(ii,3) = U(3)
          ii = ii + 1_idef
          call RANDOM_NUMBER(rand_unif)
          if (ratio .GT. rand_unif) then
             spp%vars%V(ii,1) = U(1)
             spp%vars%V(ii,2) = U(2)
             spp%vars%V(ii,3) = U(3)
             ii = ii + 1_idef
          end if
       end if
    end do

    do ii=1_idef,ppp
       vsq = spp%vars%V(ii,1)*spp%vars%V(ii,1)             &
            + spp%vars%V(ii,2)*spp%vars%V(ii,2)             &
            + spp%vars%V(ii,3)*spp%vars%V(ii,3)
       spp%vars%g(ii) = 1.0_rp/SQRT(1.0_rp - vsq)
       spp%vars%eta(ii) = ACOS(spp%vars%V(ii,1)/SQRT(vsq))
    end do

    spp%go = spp%Eo/(spp%m*C_C**2)
    spp%etao = 90.0_rp
  end subroutine thermal_distribution